|Vub | from B →π ν decays and (2+1)-flavor lattice QCD

Jon A. Bailey, A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. M. Bouchard, C. DeTar, D. Du, A. X. El-Khadra, J. Foley, E. D. Freeland, E. Gámiz, Steven Gottlieb, U. M. Heller, J. Komijani, A. S. Kronfeld, J. Laiho, L. Levkova, Yuzhi Liu, P. B. Mackenzie, Y. Meurice, E. NeilSi Wei Qiu, J. N. Simone, R. Sugar, D. Toussaint, R. S. Van De Water, R. Zhou

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184 Scopus citations


We present a lattice-QCD calculation of the B→π ν semileptonic form factors and a new determination of the CKM matrix element |Vub|. We use the MILC asqtad (2+1)-flavor lattice configurations at four lattice spacings and light-quark masses down to 1/20 of the physical strange-quark mass. We extrapolate the lattice form factors to the continuum using staggered chiral perturbation theory in the hard-pion and SU(2) limits. We employ a model-independent z parametrization to extrapolate our lattice form factors from large-recoil momentum to the full kinematic range. We introduce a new functional method to propagate information from the chiral-continuum extrapolation to the z expansion. We present our results together with a complete systematic error budget, including a covariance matrix to enable the combination of our form factors with other lattice-QCD and experimental results. To obtain |Vub|, we simultaneously fit the experimental data for the B→π ν differential decay rate obtained by the BABAR and Belle collaborations together with our lattice form-factor results. We find |Vub|=(3.72±0.16)×10-3, where the error is from the combined fit to lattice plus experiments and includes all sources of uncertainty. Our form-factor results bring the QCD error on |Vub| to the same level as the experimental error. We also provide results for the B→π ν vector and scalar form factors obtained from the combined lattice and experiment fit, which are more precisely determined than from our lattice-QCD calculation alone. These results can be used in other phenomenological applications and to test other approaches to QCD.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number014024
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jul 23 2015

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics
  • Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)


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