Using video case studies to provide prospective secondary teachers in Kenya opportunities to notice and reflect on pedagogical practices

Peter Rugano, Joanna O. Masingila, Leonard M. Kamau, Paul Makumba, Hillary Omoze

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A primary goal of teacher educators is to support prospective teachers (PTs) in gaining insight into the teaching and learning process and what their role will be as teachers in supporting student learning. In our work, we have prioritized examining how to support PTs in bridging the theory-practice gap and develop skills in noticing. One of the vehicles we have used for engaging PTs are video case studies of experienced teachers teaching in Kenyan secondary schools. In this paper, we discuss a quasi-experimental research study using video case studies with PTs in two subject instructional methods courses in a Kenyan public university. In analyzing the teacher educator memos, research group meeting notes, the PT questionnaire responses, and the PT interviews, we found that the video cases supported the PTs’ learning in the experimental group by (a) increasing their enthusiasm and engagement with pedagogical practices; and (b) shifting their perspective from student to teacher. The video cases impacted their practice during their teaching practice by supporting (a) their integration of ICT into their teaching; (b) how they engage students in learning, including using small groups; and (c) how they structure their lessons.

Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalTeaching Education
StateAccepted/In press - 2025


  • pedagogical practices
  • Prospective teacher education
  • supporting teacher growth
  • video case studies

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Education


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