Transforming the data landscape: Connecting data, policies, and communities

Joan E. Beaudoin, Deborah H. Charbonneau, Suzie Allard, Carol Tenopir, Deborah Charbonneau, Hsin Liang Chen, Yin Zhang, Jian Qin, Lisa Zilinski

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


This panel examines the state of research in the areas of data practices, behaviors, infrastructure, and policies through a series of five recently completed and in-progress studies. At their core these investigations seek to examine strategies for better connecting data, policies, and research communities. Often data and their related practices, policies, and infrastructure lack connection and cohesiveness to support data sharing among various communities. To better understand the current situation these connections will be explored through an assessment of emerging research. It is hoped that this research can be utilized to transform and better connect data practices, policies, and communities of practice.

Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalProceedings of the ASIST Annual Meeting
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2014


  • Data infrastructure
  • Data management
  • Data practices
  • Data sharing
  • Research data policies
  • Scholarly communication
  • Science data

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Information Systems
  • Library and Information Sciences


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