The Adaptation of Culture to Consumerism

Research output: Other contribution


Graphic communication has played a role in shaping the cultural landscape of the urban environment. Corporations, in their rush to fill every last surface have turned our landscape into relentless advertising space.

The public takes advantage of these spaces as sporting events, concerts, museum, zoo exhibits, theater experiences — practically any form of entertainment — but must understand that it is being taken advantage also. The constant exposure to logos, signs, even the names of the events and venues must begin to affect the psyche and behavior of the audience members. Or does it? Is this practice something we merely accept as a necessary cost of our entertainment pursuits? Is it something deeper-reaching effects on the subconscious of the public, triggering memory cells in our brains when it comes time to choose a bank or cell phone service?

Corporations are hoping for the latter, as their practice of sponsorship is not subsiding. How far is the public willing to allow these marketing devices into its culture? Does it even have a say in the matter?

The author explores corporate branding into our popular culture by proposing a potentially controversial scenario infusing capitalist concerns into sacred subject matter asking question, “How far is too far?” The purpose of this study is to determine if the public finds this treatment of its culture and landscape inappropriate, and, if so, where a line should be drawn and how it can be enforced.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Typepaper for presentation
Media of outputpaper
StateAccepted/In press - Mar 5 2018


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