Synthesis of Superhydrophobic Microporous Surfaces Via Light-Directed Phtopolymerization and Phase Separation

Ian Dean Hosein (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The formation of microporous surfaces through polymer induced phase separation in a photopolymer solvent mixture using photopolymerization via light self-focusing and self-trapping. The self-trapping of light sets fixed regions of brightness and darkness, sustained by the polymerization of light, and then wave guiding within the substrate. Phase separation occurs with the solvent phase separating in the regions of darkness and crosslinking in the regions of brightness. Upon removal of the solvent, precise and uniformly dispersed pores are created in the surface. The pore size and spacing may be tuned by adjusting the weight fraction of the photopolymer solvent mixture as well as through changes in the mask pattern.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent number11,022,888
Priority date11/1/17
Filing date10/19/18
StateAccepted/In press - May 2 2019


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