87Sr/86Sr as a tracer of groundwater discharge and precipitation recharge in the Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands, northern Minnesota

J. F. Hogan, J. D. Blum, D. I. Siegel, P. H. Glaser

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

30 Scopus citations


A contrast in the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of atmospherically derived Sr (∼0.710) and Sr from regional bedrock (>0.730) allows quantification of the proportions of precipitation recharge and groundwater discharge into peat columns of bogs and fens in the Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands. Two contrasting bog-fen pairs were studied: The Lost River peatland located over a regional groundwater discharge zone and the Red Lake peatland situated atop a hydrologic divide where recharge is expected to occur. Bog pore waters consist of 90-100% precipitation in the upper 2 m, below which they mix with groundwater. Adjacent fens consist mostly of groundwater, ranging from ∼30% near the surface to ∼100% with depth. At the Red Lake peatland, mixing relations suggest an additional Sr source that may be peat mineralization. Distinct 87Sr/86Sr and [Ca]/[Sr] ratios for groundwater discharging into bog and fen sites are indicative of distinct groundwater sources and are likely indicative of flow paths at two different length scales.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)3701-3710
Number of pages10
JournalWater Resources Research
Issue number12
StatePublished - Jan 1 2000

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Water Science and Technology


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