Study of a molybdenum dithiocarboxylato complex. Chemical characterization, crystal and molecular structure of tetrakis(α-dithionaphthoato)molybdenum(IV)

Kaluo Tang, Kassu Gebreyes, Tze chen Hsieh, Jon Zubieta

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


The complex Mo(α-C10H7CS2)4 has been prepared from several starting materials: [Mo(NNHPh)2(butane-2,3-diolate)2] · H2NNHPh, [MoCl(NNMe2)2(PPh3)2]+Cl-, [MoO2 (MeCHOCHOHMe)2] · 2MeCHOHCHOHMe or [(C4H9)4N]6Mo7O24, reacted with α-C10H7CS2H. The complex Mo(α-C10H7CS2)4 crystallizes from CH2Cl2-Et2O in the orthorhombic space group Pbca, a=13.655(3)Å, b=21.707(5)Å, c= 26.365(2)Å, V=7814.81Å3, Z=8; 5075 reflections collected, 2723 used in solution to give R=0.0517, Rw=0.0564. The molybdenum is eight coordinate with geometry approximating to a D2d dodecahedron. The average Mo-S bond lengths are 2.526(3)Å and 2.479(3)Å for the dodecahedral a and b sites, respectively.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)95-98
Number of pages4
JournalTransition Metal Chemistry
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 1986
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Metals and Alloys
  • Materials Chemistry


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