Structure and optical properties of self-assembled multicomponent plasmonic nanogels

T. Cong, S. N. Wani, P. A. Paynter, R. Sureshkumar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Scopus citations


Multicomponent plasmonic nanogels (PNGs) capable of broadband absorption of light in the 400-700 nm wavelength range were synthesized by the self-assembly of metal nanoparticles with wormlike surfactant micelles. Small angle x-ray scattering and rheological experiments suggest that the nanoparticles bridge micelle fragments to aid the formation a stable gel phase with exceptional color uniformity. Their optical absorbance could be robustly tuned by changing the nanoparticle type (Au/Ag), size, shape, and/or concentration. The PNGs have relatively low viscosity and are thermoreversible. Potential applications to the manufacturing of coatings and interfaces for solar energy harvesting and reconfigurable optical devices can be envisioned.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number043112
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jul 25 2011

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)


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