Structural isomerism among octanuclear oxomolybdenum(V) coordination compounds with pyridines. Two isomers of [Mo8O16(OCH3)8(R-Py)4]

Barbara Modec, Jurij V. Brenčič, Robert C. Finn, Randy S. Rarig, Jon Zubieta

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

23 Scopus citations


The condensation of dinuclear {Mo2O4}2+ leads, under conditions of the solvothermal synthesis, to two distinct architectures: (i) the cluster species of [Mo8O1 6(OCH3)8Py4]·2CH3OH (Py = pyridine, C5H5N) (1·2CH3OH) whose four building blocks, {Mo2O4}2+ units, are linked through doubly or triply bridging oxo and methoxo groups into a compact array; and (ii)[Mo8O16(OCH3)8(4-MePy 4] (4-MePy = 4-methylpyridine, C6H7N) (2) which displays an open, bent cyclic structure made of four building blocks linked to each other by pairs of methoxo bridges. The Mo-Mo distances within dinuclear units, 2.5638(12) and 2.6012(13) Å in 1, and 2.5661(3) Å in 2, are characteristic for single metal-metal bonds. All metal atoms of 1 are in a distorted octahedral coordination; each octahedron shares several edges (two, three or four) with its neighbors. Compound 2 displays two types of coordination polyhedra, square pyramids and octahedra (four of each) that are connected through common edges. Each polyhedron shares two edges with the adjacent polyhedra.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)113-119
Number of pages7
JournalInorganica Chimica Acta
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - Oct 8 2001


  • Crystal structures
  • Oxomolybdenum(V) coordination compounds
  • Structural isomerism
  • {MoO} clusters

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Materials Chemistry


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