Solution of time domain electric field integral equation using the Laguerre polynomials

Young Seek Chung, Tapan K. Sarkar, Baek Ho Jung, Magdalena Salazar-Palma, Zhong Ji, Seongman Jang, Kyungjung Kim

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142 Scopus citations


In this paper, we propose a numerical method to obtain a solution for the time domain electric field integral equation (TD-EFIE) for arbitrary shaped conducting structures. This method does not utilize the customary marching-on in time (MOT) solution method often used to solve a hyperbolic partial differential equation. Instead we solve the wave equation by expressing the transient behaviors in terms of Laguerre polynomials. By using these causal orthonormal basis functions for the temporal variation, the time derivatives can be handled analytically. In order to solve the wave equation, we introduce two separate testing procedures, a spatial and temporal testing. By introducing first the Galerkin temporal testing procedure, the MOT procedure is replaced by a recursive relation between the different orders of the weighted Laguerre polynomials. The other novelty of this approach is that through the use of the entire domain Laguerre polynomials for the expansion of the temporal variation of the current, the spatial and the temporal variables can be separated and the temporal variables can be integrated out. For convenience, we use the Hertz vector as the unknown variable instead of the electric current density. To verify our method, we compare the results of a TD-EFIE and inverse Fourier transform of a frequency domain EFIE.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2319-2328
Number of pages10
JournalIEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2004

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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