Self-Compassion, Minority Stress, and Mental Health in Sexual and Gender Minority Populations: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review

Emily C. Helminen, Dallas M. Ducar, Jillian R. Scheer, Kari L. Parke, Melissa L. Morton, Joshua C. Felver

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

32 Scopus citations


Sexual and gender minority (SGM) populations report numerous mental health disparities relative to heterosexual and cisgender populations, due in part to the effects of minority stress. This article evaluated self-compassion as a coping resource among SGM populations by (a) meta-analyzing the associations between self-compassion, minority stress, and mental health; and (b) synthesizing evidence for the mediating effects of self-compassion between minority stress and mental health. Systematic searches of databases identified 21 papers for the systematic review and 19 for the meta-analysis. Significant metaanalytic associations were found between self-compassion and minority stress (n = 4,296, r =-.29), psychological distress (n = 3,931, r =-.59), and well-being (n = 2,493, r =.50). The research synthesis identified supporting evidence for self-compassion as a coping resource for SGM people. The results of this review warrant further self-compassion research, particularly longitudinal research, for SGM populations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)26-39
Number of pages14
JournalClinical Psychology: Science and Practice
Issue number1
StatePublished - Nov 28 2022


  • gender minority
  • meta-analysis
  • minority stress
  • self-compassion
  • sexual minority

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Clinical Psychology


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