Searching for a stochastic background of gravitational waves with the laser interferometer gravitational-wave observatory

B. Abbott, R. Abbott, R. Adhikari, J. Agresti, P. Ajith, B. Allen, R. Amin, S. B. Anderson, W. G. Anderson, M. Araya, H. Armandula, M. Ashley, S. Aston, C. Aulbert, S. Babak, S. Ballmer, B. C. Barish, C. Barker, D. Barker, B. BarrP. Barriga, M. A. Barton, K. Bayer, K. Belczynski, J. Betzwieser, P. Beyersdorf, B. Bhawal, I. A. Bilenko, G. Billingsley, E. Black, K. Blackburn, L. Blackburn, D. Blair, B. Bland, L. Bogue, R. Bork, S. Böse, P. R. Brady, V. B. Braginsky, J. E. Brau, A. Brooks, D. A. Brown, A. Bullington, A. Bunkowski, A. Buonanno, R. Burman, D. Busby, R. L. Byer, L. Cadonati, G. Cagnoli, J. B. Camp, J. Cannizzo, K. Cannon, C. A. Cantley, J. Cao, L. Cardenas, M. M. Casey, C. Cepeda, P. Charlton, S. Chatterji, S. Chelkowski, Y. Chen, D. Chin, E. Chin, J. Chow, N. Christensen, T. Cokelaer, C. N. Colacino, R. Coldwell, D. Cook, T. Corbitt, D. Coward, D. Coyne, J. D.E. Creighton, T. D. Creighton, D. R.M. Crooks, A. M. Cruise, A. Cumming, C. Cutler, J. Dalrymple, E. D'Ambrosio, K. 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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

126 Scopus citations


The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) has performed the fourth science run, S4, with significantly improved interferometer sensitivities with respect to previous runs. Using data acquired during this science run, we place a limit on the amplitude of a stochastic background of gravitational waves. For a frequency independent spectrum, the new Bayesian 90% upper limit is ΩGW × [H0/(12 km s-1 Mpc-1)]2 < 6.5 × 10-5. This is currently the most sensitive result in the frequency range 51-150 Hz, with a factor of 13 improvement over the previous LIGO result. We discuss the complementarity of the new result with other constraints on a stochastic background of gravitational waves, and we investigate implications of the new result for different models of this background.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)918-930
Number of pages13
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number2 I
StatePublished - Apr 20 2007


  • Gravitational waves

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


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