Scattering from arbitrary planar periodic screen consisting of resistive patches and dielectric layers

Peter Petre, Tapan K. Sarkar, Laszlo Zombory, Madhavan Swaminathan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Entry/PoemConference contribution


A computationally efficient iterative procedure, the generalized biconjugate gradient fast Fourier transform (BiCG-FFT) method, is presented for analyzing electromagnetic scattering from an arbitrary planar periodic screen. The periodic screen consists of arbitrarily shaped resistive or perfectly conducting patches and homogeneous lossy or lossless dielectric layers. The problem is solved in the spectral domain using the spectral dyadic Green's function that can be obtained via the spectral domain immitance approach. An operator equation is written for the induced surface currents where subdomain rooftop basis functions are chosen to represent these currents. The operator equation is solved by the generalized BiCG-FFT method. Numerical results for the dominant mode reflection and transmission coefficients are presented.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publication1991 Digest
PublisherIEEE Computer Society
Number of pages4
ISBN (Print)0780301447
StatePublished - 1991
EventAntennas and Propagation Society Symposium - London, Ont, Can
Duration: Jun 24 1991Jun 28 1991

Publication series

NameAP-S International Symposium (Digest) (IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society)
ISSN (Print)0272-4693


OtherAntennas and Propagation Society Symposium
CityLondon, Ont, Can

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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