Research information management: defining RIM and the library’s role

Rebecca Bryant, Anna Clements, Carol Feltes, David Groenewegen, Simon Huggard, Holly Mercer, Roxanne Missingham, Maliaca Oxnam, Anne Rauh, John Wright

Research output: Book/Report/EssayBook


This report will help libraries and other institutional stakeholders understand developing research information management practices—and particularly the value add that libraries can offer in this complex ecosystem. We also intend that this report and its companion resources can help librarians to effectively communicate this value proposition within their institutions, particularly to stakeholders with limited knowledge of library expertise
Original languageEnglish (US)
Number of pages22
ISBN (Print)9781556530296, 1556530293, 1556530307, 9781556530302
StatePublished - Oct 19 2017


  • Libraries
  • Research
  • RIM
  • Research Information Management


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