Recent Advances in Instrumentation, Data Acquisition and Testing in Soil Dynamics: Geotechnical Special Publication No. 29

Shobha K Bhatia, G Blaney

Research output: Book/Report/EssayScholarly edition

1 Scopus citations


This proceedings, Recent Advances in Instrumentation, Data Acquisition and Testing in Soil Dynamics, consists of papers presented at the ASCE National Convention held in Orlando, Florida, October 20-24, 1991. With the increased capabilities of electronics to handle large masses of sophisticated data, these papers explore several areas of soil dynamics that are affected such as surface wave investigations, in situ liquefaction instrumentation and testing, and laboratory wave velocity tests. The use of these new techniques should improve the ability of the soil dynamics specialist to predict the dynamic behavior of engineered systems.
Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherMorgan and Claypool Publishers
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-87262-854-0
ISBN (Print)978-0-87262-854-0
StatePublished - 1991


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