Passive Nano-heat Pipes For Cooling And Thermal Management Of Electronics And Power Conversion Devices

An Zou (Inventor), Manish Gupta (Inventor), Shalabh Maroo (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A cooling device for a heat source, such as an electronic component, has a single or set of nano- and/or micro-sized channel(s) connected to a single or multiple reservoir(s). The heat source causes nucleation within a channel, and a vapor bubble forms removing heat from the heat source via evaporation of liquid to vapor in the bubble and condensation of the generated vapor at the cooler ends of the bubble. Thus, the channel operates as a passive heat pipe and removes heat from the source by passively circulating the cooling fluid between the vapor bubble and the reservoir(s).
Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent number10,881,034
Priority date11/21/17
Filing date11/20/18
StateAccepted/In press - May 23 2019


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