P-wave charmed mesons in e+e- annihilation

P. Avery, D. Besson, L. Garren, J. Yelton, T. Bowcock, K. Kinoshita, F. M. Pipkin, M. Procario, Richard Wilson, J. Wolinski, D. Xiao, R. Ammar, P. Baringer, P. Haas, Ha Lam, A. Jawahery, C. H. Park, J. K. Nelson, D. Perticone, R. PolingW. Y. Chen, J. Dominick, R. L. McIlwain, D. H. Miller, C. R. Ng, S. F. Schaffner, E. I. Shibata, W. M. Yao, K. Sparks, E. H. Thorndike, M. S. Alam, I. J. Kim, W. C. Li, X. C. Lou, C. R. Sun, R. Fulton, M. Hempstead, T. Jensen, D. R. Johnson, H. Kagan, R. Kass, F. Morrow, J. Whitmore, D. Bortoletto, M. Goldberg, N. Horwitz, M. D. Mestayer, G. C. Moneti, V. Sharma, I. P.J. Shipsey, T. Skwarnicki, S. E. Csorna, T. Letson, J. Alexander, M. Artuso, C. Bebek, K. Berkelman, D. G. Cassel, E. Cheu, D. M. Coffman, G. Crawford, J. W. Dewire, P. S. Drell, R. Ehrlich, R. S. Galik, B. Gittelman, S. W. Gray, A. M. Halling, D. L. Hartill, B. K. Heltsley, J. Kandaswamy, N. Katayama, D. L. Kreinick, Y. Kubota, J. D. Lewis, N. B. Mistry, J. Mueller, R. Namjoshi, S. Nandi, E. Nordberg, C. O'Grady, D. Peterson, M. Pisharody, D. Riley, M. Sapper, A. Silverman, S. Stone, H. Worden, M. Worris, A. J. Sadoff

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

63 Scopus citations


Using the CLEO detector at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring, we have found evidence for L=1 charmed mesons in e+e- annihilations. We observe a D**0 state at mass 2461±3±1 MeV/c2 and width 20-12-10+9+9 MeV/c2 decaying to D+-. We also see an enhancement in the m(D*+-)-m(D*+) mass-difference spectrum and by examining D*+ decay-angle dependence, we see structure consistent with two states decaying to D*+-. We observe a lower-mass state, at mass (2428±3±2) MeV/c2 and width (23-6-4+8+10) MeV/c2, assuming that the higher-mass component is from the decay D**0(2461)D*+-. We present arguments for the spin-parity assignments of these states. We also report observation of candidate L=1 cs» state decaying to D*+Ks0.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)774-779
Number of pages6
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1990

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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