Open Web Services-Based Indoor Climate Control System

Edward A. Bogucz (Inventor), Edward Lipson (Inventor), Greg Michalak (Inventor), Gregg Lewandowski (Inventor), Luke Beca (Inventor), Marek Podgorny (Inventor), Paul D. Gelling (Inventor), Paul Roman (Inventor), Roman Markowski (Inventor), Suresh Santanam (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The present invention relates generally to a building automation system, and, more particularly, to an Internet-centric, open, extensible software and hardware framework supporting all aspects of control and monitoring of a smart building ecosphere. The present invention further relates to an “intelligent,” real-time control system capable of both autonomous process control and interaction with system users and system administrators, which is configured to accommodate functional extensions and a broad array of sensors and control devices. The system allows individuals to communicate, monitor and adjust their personal environmental preferences (temperature, light, humidity, white noise, etc.) much like they would in an automobile, via the Internet. The system is equipped with an occupancy sensor that recognizes the presence and identity of the individual. A built-in expert system can make decisions based on data from multiple sources so that the system can alter its activity to conserve energy while maintaining users' comfort.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent number7,904,209
StatePublished - Nov 13 2008


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