New measurement of deep-inelastic e-p asymmetries

G. Baum, M. R. Bergström, P. R. Bolton, J. E. Clendenin, N. R. Debotton, S. K. Dhawan, Y. N. Guo, V. R. Harsh, V. W. Hughes, K. Kondo, M. S. Lubell, Z. L. Mao, R. H. Miller, S. Miyashita, K. Morimoto, U. F. Moser, I. Nakano, R. F. Oppenheim, D. A. Palmer, L. PandaW. Raith, N. Sasao, K. P. Schüler, M. L. Seely, P. A. Souder, S. J.St Lorant, K. Takikawa, M. Werlen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

315 Scopus citations


Spin-dependent asymmetries have been measured in inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons by longitudinally polarized protons. Data were obtained at a scattering angle of 10°and for incident energies of 16.2 and 22.7 GeV, which cover the kinematic range 0.18<x<0.70 and 3.5<Q2<10.0 (GeV/c)2. The present results provide a test of scaling and of the Bjorken and Ellis-Jaffe sum rules and are compared with various models of proton spin structure.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1135-1138
Number of pages4
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number13
StatePublished - 1983
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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