Mode Converter and Quadrant Photodiode for Sensing Optical Cavity Mode Mismatch

Daniel Vander-Hyde (Inventor), Fabian Magana-Sandoval (Inventor), Jax Sanders (Inventor), Stefan Werner Ballmer (Inventor), Thomas Vo (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A new technique for sensing optical cavity mode mismatch using a mode converter formed from a cylindrical lens mode converting telescope, radio frequency quadrant photodiodes (RFQPDs), and a heterodyne detection scheme. The telescope allows the conversion of the Laguerre-Gauss basis to the Hermite-Gauss (HG) basis, which can be measured with quadrant photodiodes. Conversion to the HG basis is performed optically, measurement of mode mismatched signals is performed with the RFQPDs, and a feedback error signal is obtained with heterodyne detection.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent number10,453,971
Priority date6/27/17
Filing date6/27/18
StateAccepted/In press - Dec 27 2018


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