Microcombustion Micro-Tubular Flame-Assisted Fuel Cell for Power and Heat Cogeneration Without Soot Formation

Jeongmin Ahn (Inventor), Ryan James Milcarek (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A non-catalytic microcombustion based FFC for the direct use of hydrocarbons for power generation. The potential for high FFC performance (450 mW·cm−2 power density and 50% fuel utilization) in propane/air microcombustion exhaust was demonstrated. The micro flow reactor was used as a fuel reformer for equivalence ratios from 1-5.5. Soot formation in the micro flow reactor was not observed at equivalence ratios from 1 to 5.5 and maximum wall temperatures ranging from 750 to 900° C. H2 and CO concentrations in the exhaust were found to have a strong temperature dependence that varies with the maximum wall temperature and the local flame temperature.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent number11,799,115
Priority date1/7/19
Filing date1/7/20
StatePublished - Jul 16 2020


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