Metal-organophosphonates: hydrothermal synthesis and structures of [Cu(O3PC10H6CO2H)] and [Cu(bpy)(HO3PC10H6CO2)] (H2O3PC10H6CO2H = 2,6-carboxynaphthalene phosphonic acid)

Paul DeBurgomaster, Hongxue Liu, Charles J. O'Connor, Jon Zubieta

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Hydrothermal methods were used to prepare [Cu(O3PC10H6CO2H)] (1) and [Cu(bpy)(HO3PC10H6CO2)]·2H2O (2·2H2O), where H2O3PC10H6CO2H is 2,6-carboxynaphthalene phosphonic acid (H3cnp). The two-dimensional structure of 1 consists of layers of edge-sharing {CuO6} octahedra, producing an AlCl3- type structure of fused hexagonal rings of copper octahedra, enclosing voids of hexagonal profile. The layer composition is CuO3 or CuO6/2 as each oxygen bridges two copper sites. The Hcnp ligands project from either face of the copper "oxide" layer. Adjacent layers interact through hydrogen bonding interactions between the pendant -CO2H groups of the ligand. Coordination of the bipyridine ligand in [Cu(HO3PC10H6CO2)] (2) obstructs expansion in two-dimensions, and the material exhibits a chain structure. The chain is constructed of binuclear units of edge-sharing '4+1' {CuO3N2} square pyramids linked through the dipodal {HO3PC10H6CO2}2- ligands.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1654-1658
Number of pages5
JournalInorganica Chimica Acta
Issue number8
StatePublished - May 5 2010


  • Binuclear copper(II) building blocks
  • Metal-phosphonate compounds
  • Organic-inorganic hybrid materials
  • Two-dimensional Cu(II)-phosphonate structure

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Materials Chemistry


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