Landscape and Justice

Tom Mels, Don Mitchell

Research output: Chapter in Book/Entry/PoemChapter

10 Scopus citations


The struggle over primitive accumulation on Gotland offers a useful entry point to illustrate a recurring theme of work on landscape and justice. The landscapes of Gotland and Youngstown suggest an indissoluble link between landscape and justice, but the link is a complex one. "Justice" is an ideal; "landscape" is more than an ideal. Landscape politics does not only entail questions of social and economic justice as exemplified in struggles over access to resources, labor conditions, property, and the redistribution of land, as early land reclamation on Gotland makes clear. The European Landscape Convention of the Council of Europe promulgates the recognition in law of landscape as "an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of action and interaction of natural and/or human factors". Landscape is the "stick" to measure all human affairs, if not the final arbiter to be appealed to in all conflicts.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationThe Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Cultural Geography
PublisherJohn Wiley and Sons
Number of pages16
ISBN (Print)9780470655597
StatePublished - Feb 14 2013


  • European Landscape Convention
  • Gotland
  • Justice
  • Landscape
  • Youngstown

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Social Sciences


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