title = "Information Technology in India: The Quest for Self-Reliance",
author = "Jason Dedrick and Kraemer, {Kenneth L.}",
note = "Funding Information: JasonD edricki s ResearchA ssociate,C enterf orR esearcho n Infor-mationT echnologya nd OrganizationsU, niversityo f Californiaa t Irvine,a nd KennethL . Kraemeri s Professorin the GraduateS chool of Managementa nd Director,C enterf orR e-searcho n InformatioTne chnologya nd OrganizationsU, niversityof CaliforniaI,r vine. This articlei s a producto f researchs upportedb y the Universityo f CaliforniaP acificR im Program,N ationalU niversityof Singapore,a nd IBM World Trade Asia Corporation.T he au-thorsw ishto acknowledgeV ijay Gurbaxanif ora ssistancei n developingt he case study,a nd thankK . K. KrishnanK utty,G . R. Mohan Rao, PronabS en, N. Vittal,a nd N. Seshagirif or theiri nsightsa nd theirc ommentso n an earlierd raft.",
year = "1993",
doi = "10.2307/2645313",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "33",
pages = "463--492",
journal = "Asian Survey",
issn = "0004-4687",
publisher = "University of California Press",
number = "5",