Flame-Assisted Fuel Cell Integration Rich Burn, Quick Mix, Lean Burn Combustion for Reduced Nox

Jeongmin Ahn (Inventor), Ryan Milcarek (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A micro-tubular flame assisted fuel cell (mT FFC) integrated with a rich-burn, quick-mix, lean-burn (RQL) combustor for reduced NOx. Fuel and oxidant pass into a first-stage, fuel-rich combustion chamber. The exhaust products pass to the fuel cell for electrochemical conversion. Any remaining fuel is quickly mixed in a jet of oxidant to reduce temperature gradients and NOx formation in a second stage, fuel-lean combustion chamber. Preheating of the fuel, and different oxidant streams, is possible via heat exchangers in the fuel-rich and fuel-lean combustion chambers.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent number10,609,030
Priority date8/30/17
Filing date8/30/18
StateAccepted/In press - Feb 28 2019


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