Evaluation of data reduction methods for the mixed mode bending test

Srinivas Bhashyam, Barry D. Davidson

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33 Scopus citations


Results are presented from a combined numerical and experimental study to assess the accuracy of six different methods of data reduction for the mixed-mode bending test. These include two methods in the literature that use only the load data from the test, a modification to one of these methods to improve accuracy, two variations of compliance calibration, and a newly proposed "load-deflection method." First, the accuracy of the various methods were evaluated by comparison to finite element predictions for a typical laminate. Second, the various methods were applied to double cantilever beam and end-notched flexure test data that had previously been reduced by well-established techniques. Finally, five laminates were tested in the mixed-mode bending fixture at each of five mode ratios: GII/G = 0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8, and 1.0. The data from these tests were reduced by the various data reduction methods. The mean value of the critical energy release rate Gc at GII/G = 0.4 was compared to the mean Gc obtained by compliance calibration of a separate set of five single leg bending test specimens, and Gc at GII/G = 1.0 was compared to the mean Gc obtained by compliance calibration of a separate set of five end-notched flexure test specimens. By these comparisons, by physical considerations of the test results, and by examinations of the standard deviations of the various data pools, it was concluded that a method that uses only load data from the test is the most accurate. For improved accuracy, a modification to this method is suggested that involves only the experimental determination of the bending rigidities of the cracked and uncracked regions and the use of these results in the reduction of data.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)546-552
Number of pages7
JournalAIAA journal
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1997

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Aerospace Engineering


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