Distributed Video Content Management and Sharing System

Andrew Covell (Inventor), Boyan Kostadinov (Inventor), Christopher Sedore (Inventor), James Daley (Inventor), Jeremy Patterson (Inventor), Michael A. Fudge (Inventor), Scott Nadzan (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The present invention relates to a system which enables cooperative rich media content management, sharing, and publishing across a distributed set of Web sites, Web servers, and media servers based on control information in an online database. Media files are housed on any number of heterogeneous media repositories. The system of the present invention is used for managing, sharing, and publishing rich media content including video, images, animations, audio, etc. Authorized viewers access media files through dynamically generated content and media links embedded on Web sites. Content administrators publish media entries to any number of such distributed Web sites, and can set viewer permissions for individual video entries when published on specific Web sites. Content administrators can also dynamically establish media sharing and access relationships.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent number9,262,545
StatePublished - Aug 7 2008


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