Detection of back-to-back proton pairs in charged-current neutrino interactions with the ArgoNeuT detector in the NuMI low energy beam line

R. Acciarri, C. Adams, J. Asaadi, B. Baller, T. Bolton, C. Bromberg, F. Cavanna, E. Church, D. Edmunds, A. Ereditato, S. Farooq, B. Fleming, H. Greenlee, G. Horton-Smith, C. James, E. Klein, K. Lang, P. Laurens, R. Mehdiyev, B. PageO. Palamara, K. Partyka, G. Rameika, B. Rebel, M. Soderberg, J. Spitz, A. M. Szelc, M. Weber, T. Yang, G. P. Zeller

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76 Scopus citations


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