Design and performance of wideband dual polarized stripline notch arrays

Mark Povinelli, Jeffrey A. Johnson

Research output: Chapter in Book/Entry/PoemConference contribution

5 Scopus citations


The design and performance of a half-populated (HP) and a fully-populated (FP) wideband 8 × 8 dual polarized aperture is presented. Both apertures utilize arrays of flared slotline (stripline notch) elements optimized or isolated element performance. The array-element performance and active VSWR (virtual standing-wave ratio) are shown for both aperture designs. For a 70° conical scan, the HP aperture restricts grating lobes up to 10 GHz. The FP aperture restricts grating lobes up to 21.5 GHz in azimuth and elevation, and up to 15.2 GHz in the E- and H-plane with a ±70° scan. This lattice spacing determines the allowable element width for a given element thickness in the isolated element design. The HP aperture provides better array-element performance than that of the FP aperture. The FP aperture has tighter coupling and a lower active VSWR with less variation across the scan volume than the HP aperture.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationIEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest)
PublisherIEEE Computer Society
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 1988

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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