Branched and Multi-Chain Nucleic Acid Switches for Sensing and Screening

Bruce S. Hudson (Inventor), Phil Borer (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Embodiments of the invention relate to a branched or multichain nucleic acid switch adapted to switch from a first conformation to a second conformation upon ligand binding. The switch includes a probe strand, P, which includes the ligand binding domain; a switching framework which includes a cover strand (C), and a tether that holds P and C together and a signaling apparatus. Some embodiments include a toggle strand (T) where now the tether holds P, C, T, and the signaling apparatus together. As the switch changes between the first and second conformations; the signaling apparatus reports the state of the switch. The signaling entity is typically a lumiphore and a quencher located along the switching framework. Nucleic acid switches have applications in real time assays for diverse agents including infectious agents, environmental toxins, and terrorist agents, as well as screening methods for such agents. Further applications are found for nanoelectronics, nanofabrication and nanomachines.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent number8,080,379
StatePublished - Mar 10 2011


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