B → Dlν at zero recoil: An update

MILC Collaborations

Research output: Contribution to journalConference Articlepeer-review


We present an update of our calculation of the form factor for B¯ →Dlν¯ at zero recoil, with higher statistics and finer lattices. As before, we use the Fermilab action for b and c quarks, the asqtad staggered action for light valence quarks, and the MILC ensembles for gluons and light quarks (Lüscher-Weisz married to 2+1 rooted staggered sea quarks). In this update, we have reduced the total uncertainty on F(1) from 2.6% to 1.7%. At Lattice2010 we presented a still-blinded result, but this writeup includes the unblinded result from the September 2010 CKM workshop.

Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalProceedings of Science
StatePublished - 2010
Event28th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Lattice 2010 - Villasimius, Sardinia, Italy
Duration: Jun 14 2010Jun 19 2010

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