Age differences in implicit and explicit personality traits

Mariah F. Purol, Jeewon Oh, Meghan C. Abrom, Hana Bernard, Anna Forest, Seija D. Huhtala, Hyonjoon Kim, Haoyan Lin, Caitlin M. Meredith, Corrin S. Misak, Alex Mison, Kelsey Mongoven, Maddy Nomer, Ayushi Patel, Jamie L. Quaglia, Jada N. Ross, Naila Saric, Ivy Shi, Jessica R. Skaff, Kayla StevensonAntoinette V. Wingo, Sophia Wood, Hannah G. Yestrepsky, William J. Chopik

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Past research suggests that personality differs by age—older adults tend to be more conscientious, agreeable, and less neurotic than younger adults. However, most of these studies have used self-report measures of personality which may be influenced by people's motivations to appear socially desirable that also change over time. If these changing motivations affect the validity of personality measures, our understanding of age differences in personality may need to be revised. In the current study (N = 12,702), we examined age differences in implicit (i.e., IAT-based) and explicit (i.e., traditional self-report) measures of personality. Although we found some heterogeneity in the exact non-linear age patterns of personality across different measures, the age patterns were largely consistent across implicit and explicit measures of personality.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number111765
JournalPersonality and Individual Differences
StatePublished - Oct 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Age differences
  • Big Five personality
  • Implicit association test
  • Implicit measures of personality
  • Lifespan development

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Psychology


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