A study of particle spectra and mass distributions in the reaction π+ + p → n (forward) + (2π, 4π, 6π) at 8.4 GeV/c

M. S. Alam, B. B. Brabson, K. Galloway, R. Mercer, N. V. Baggett, E. C. Fowler, M. L. Huebschman, A. E. Kreymer, A. H. Rogers, C. Baglin, J. Hanlon, R. Kamat, R. Panvini, E. Petraske, S. Stone, J. Waters, M. Webster

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Results are reported on particle spectra and invariant mass distributions from the reaction π+ + p → n (forward) + (2π, 4π,6π) at 8.4 GeV/c. The data were obtained with the SLAC 15-inch Rapid Cycling Bubble Chamber which was triggered by detecting fast forward neutrons interacting in downstream optical spark chambers. The main features of the data can be simulated with a Monte-Carlo program which incorporates Lorentz-invariant phase space modified by exponential transverse momentum damping on each final state particle and, in addition, takes into account the geometrical constraints and triggering requirements of the system. Resonance production in some channels is seen to deviate from background distributions.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)384-396
Number of pages13
JournalNuclear Physics, Section B
Issue numberC
StatePublished - 1975
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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