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CAREER: Biomarker perspectives on the sensitivity of western North American precipitation to climate change
Bhattacharya, T. (PI)
5/1/23 → 4/30/28
Project: Sponsored Project
Sensitivity of Walker circulation to CO2 forcing during the late Pliocene as an analogue for future climate change: Collaborative Research
Bhattacharya, T. (PI)
5/15/21 → 4/30/24
Project: Sponsored Project
PaleoCAMP (Paleoclimate training in Climate Archives, Models, and Proxies): A multidisciplinary summer school for graduate students in paleoclimatology
Bhattacharya, T. (PI)
1/1/21 → 12/31/24
Project: Sponsored Project
MRI: A gas chromatograph isotope ratio mass spectrometer for compound-specific isotope analysis
Bhattacharya, T. (PI) & Junium, C. K. (CoI)
8/15/20 → 7/31/23
Project: Sponsored Project
A paleoclimate perspective on the response of Southwest North American rainfall to elevated greenhouse gases: Collaborative Research
Bhattacharya, T. (PI)
8/15/19 → 7/31/23
Project: Sponsored Project
Acquisition of a Multi-Sensor Core Logger for Syracuse University
Chipman, M. (PI), Scholz, C. A. (CoI), Junium, C. K. (CoI), Lu, Z. (CoI) & Bhattacharya, T. (CoI)
3/15/19 → 2/28/21
Project: Sponsored Project