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Collaborative Research: FHCC: Small: The Market is the Interface: Online Labor Platforms and Contingent Knowledge Work
Sawyer, S. B. (PI)
9/15/21 → 8/31/24
Project: Sponsored Project
Access to the Gig Economy: Infrastructural Competence and the Participation of Underrepresented Populations
Sawyer, S. B. (PI)
4/1/17 → 3/31/20
Project: Sponsored Project
WORKSHOP: 2016 CSST Summer Research Institute
Sawyer, S. B. (PI)
6/15/16 → 5/31/20
Project: Sponsored Project
Governance of scholarly digital infrastructures: comparing interoperability, interconnection, capacity management, and systems management
Sawyer, S. B. (PI)
9/1/15 → 8/31/20
Project: Sponsored Project
Digital Infrastructures of Mobile Knowledge Work: Collaborative
Sawyer, S. B. (PI)
9/15/13 → 8/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Syracuse University 2012-2013 DoD Information Assurance Scholarship Program
Sawyer, S. B. (PI) & Park, J. S. (PI)
9/28/12 → 9/27/13
Project: Sponsored Project
VOSS: Documents and the Doing of Science: Studying Cyberinfrastructures in Use
Sawyer, S. B. (PI) & Oesterlund, C. (CoI)
9/1/12 → 8/31/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Summer Institute on Sociotechnical Systems and Sciences
Sawyer, S. B. (PI)
6/15/12 → 5/31/14
Project: Sponsored Project
RCN: Digital Society and Technologies Research Coordination Network
Sawyer, S. B. (PI)
1/1/12 → 9/30/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Syracuse University DoD Information Assurance Scholarship Program 2011-12
Park, J. S. (PI) & Sawyer, S. B. (CoI)
9/26/11 → 12/31/13
Project: Sponsored Project
Supporting Young Investigators Summer Research Institute of the Consortium for the Science of Socio-Technical Systems
Sawyer, S. B. (PI)
9/15/09 → 8/31/12
Project: Sponsored Project
Second Young Investigators Summer Research Institute of the Consortium for the Science of Socio-Technical Systems
Sawyer, S. B. (PI)
11/1/08 → 10/31/10
Project: Sponsored Project
Design Principles for Effective Interorganizational Public Safety Response Infrastructures: Collaborative Research
Sawyer, S. B. (PI)
9/30/08 → 12/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Social Informatics of Surface Computing: SGER
Sawyer, S. B. (PI)
8/19/08 → 2/28/10
Project: Sponsored Project