Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 71 results
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Energy Program Innovation Cluster For Equity And Health In Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings (EPIC GEB)
Schiff, E. A. (PI), Bogucz, E. A. (CoI), Krietemeyer, B. (CoI) & Dong, B. (CoI)
10/1/21 → 9/30/24
Project: Sponsored Project
Field Demonstration of Personal Micro-environmental Control System
Bogucz, E. A. (PI), Zhang, J. (CoI) & Ezzat Khalifa, H. (CoI)
1/13/20 → 7/13/21
Project: Sponsored Project
Aerial Intelligence for Retrofit Building Energy Modeling (AirBEM)
Velipasalar, S. (PI) & Bogucz, E. A. (CoI)
8/1/19 → 7/31/23
Project: Sponsored Project
Engineering Analysis & Design of Pressurized Heated Air Flow for Commercial Drying Applications
6/15/19 → 8/15/19
Project: Sponsored Project
Blue Frontier: Desiccant-Enhanced Evaporative Air Conditioning integrated with Energy Storage (DEVAP AC/ES)
5/1/19 → 4/30/23
Project: Sponsored Project
Building Energy Entrepreneurs in Central New York
Bogucz, E. A. & Rosanio, T.
10/1/17 → 9/30/21
Project: Sponsored Project
Support to BNL for Nuclear Energy Enabling Technology and Nuclear Science User Facility Activities
9/26/17 → 9/30/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Field Performance Evaluation of Vortex DCS for Dust/Particle Burden Reduction in Indoor Environments
Bogucz, E. A. (PI) & Zhang, J. (CoI)
9/5/17 → 12/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Tucc Testing Agreement
Bogucz, E. A. (PI) & Dang, T. Q. (CoI)
5/15/17 → 9/15/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Feasibility Assessment of Sustainable Transportation Alternatives in the City of Syracuse
Bogucz, E. A. & Rakha, T.
12/4/15 → 9/30/17
Project: Sponsored Project
15th SyracuseCoE Symposium - Clean Energy Frontiers - From Lab to Market
10/1/15 → 12/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Syracuse Near Westside Community Microgrid Feasibility Assessment
5/11/15 → 5/1/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Micro Environmental Control System
Bogucz, E. A. (PI), Dang, T. Q. (CoI), Isik, C. (CoI), Zhang, J. (CoI) & Carr, D. (CoI)
5/1/15 → 10/31/21
Project: Sponsored Project
Research Project Initiative - Addendum #4 - Installation Phase - SageGlass Work
7/1/14 → 12/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
AM-TEC Innovation Accelerator: Strengthening Central New York's Regional Cluster in Advanced Manufacturing for Thermal and Environmental Controls
4/1/14 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
AMTECS R&D: Accelerating Innovations for Central New York's Regional Cluster in Advanced Manufacturing for Thermal and Environmental Controls
4/1/14 → 12/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Syracuse Center of Excellence Daylighting Study Window Replacement - Planning Phase
1/1/14 → 8/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
NY Energy Market Accelerator - POR #4 - Subproject for Inst #26689
4/11/13 → 4/10/18
Project: Sponsored Project
NY Energy Market Accelerator - POR #3 -Subproject for Institution # 26689
4/11/13 → 4/10/18
Project: Sponsored Project
NY Energy Market Accelerator - POR #6 - Subproject for Inst #26689
4/11/13 → 4/10/18
Project: Sponsored Project
NY Energy Market Accelerator - POR #5 - Subproject for Inst #26689
4/11/13 → 4/10/18
Project: Sponsored Project
NY Energy Market Accelerator - POR #7 - Subproject for Inst #26689
4/11/13 → 4/10/18
Project: Sponsored Project
A Proposal to Accelerate Innovations in Advanced Manufacturing of Thermal and Environmental Control Systems
Bogucz, E. A. (PI), Maroo, S. C. (CoI) & Ezzat Khalifa, H. (PI)
1/1/13 → 12/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
A Proposal to Accelerate Innovations in Advanced Manufacturing of Thermal and Environmental Control Systems
10/1/12 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Support for annual Syracuse CoE Symposium, Internship Program, and Innovation Program.
7/1/11 → 6/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Energy Efficient Innovations for Healthy Buildings (NY): TASK 4: Lab Fit-Out - Subproject for Institution # 24560
9/15/10 → 9/14/14
Project: Sponsored Project
Energy Efficient Innovations for Healthy Buildings (NY): TASK 3: Outreach - Subproject for Institution # 24560
9/15/10 → 9/14/14
Project: Sponsored Project
Energy Efficient Innovations for Health Buildings (NY): TASK 2: Residential Energy - Subproject for Institution # 24560
9/15/10 → 9/14/14
Project: Sponsored Project
Energy Efficient Innovations for Healthy Buildings (NY): TASK 1: Data Center Research - Subproject for Institution # 24560
Bogucz, E. A. (PI) & Ezzat Khalifa, H. (PI)
9/15/10 → 9/14/14
Project: Sponsored Project
Energy Efficient Innovations for Healthy Buildings (NY)
Bogucz, E. A. (PI) & Ezzat Khalifa, H. (PI)
9/15/10 → 9/14/14
Project: Sponsored Project