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- 150 - 200 out of 274 results
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2012 Syracuse University Summer in the City College Program (Susccp)
Mangram, J.
6/1/12 → 9/30/12
Project: Sponsored Project
How College Access Programs Facilitate Access to Higher Education for Low-income, first Generation College Students: Doctoral Dissertation
Engstrom, C. M. & Weber, S.
4/5/12 → 10/5/13
Project: Sponsored Project
Cultivating Racial and Linguistic Teacher Diversity in English Education
Haddix, M. (PI)
9/1/11 → 11/30/12
Project: Sponsored Project
Cultivating Racial and Linguistic Teacher Diversity in English Education
Haddix, M. (PI)
9/1/11 → 1/31/13
Project: Sponsored Project
Natural Selection and Genes Determining Higher Arterial Saturation in Peruvian Quechua
Brutsaert, T. D. (PI)
9/1/11 → 8/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Certificate Program in Holocaust and Genocide Education
Goldberg, A.
7/15/11 → 7/15/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Syracuse Urban Inclusive Teacher Residency Students with Disabilities Generalist 7-12 Masters Program (SUITR):_ARRA: Year 2: Subproject for Institution # 24996
Ashby, C. E. (CoI), Smith, C. (PI) & Rozelle, J. (CoI)
7/1/11 → 9/23/14
Project: Sponsored Project
SUITR - 2014 - 2015: Subproject for Institution # 24996
Ashby, C. E. (CoI), Smith, C. (PI) & Myers, B. (CoI)
7/1/11 → 6/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
The Science and Mathematics Simulated Interaction Model (SIM)
Dotger, B. (PI), Masingila, J. O. (CoI), Dotger, S. (CoI) & Rozelle, J. (CoI)
7/1/11 → 6/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Syracuse Urban Inclusive Teacher Residency Students with Disabilities Generalist 7-12 Masters Program (SUITR):_ARRA
Ashby, C. E. (CoI), Smith, C. (PI) & Rozelle, J. (CoI)
7/1/11 → 6/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Syracuse Urban Inclusive Teacher Residency Students with Disabilities Generalist 7-12 Masters Program (SUITR):_ARRA: Year 3: Subproject for Institution # 24996
Ashby, C. E. (CoI), Ferri, B. A. (CoI) & Smith, C. (PI)
7/1/11 → 6/30/14
Project: Sponsored Project
Research and Training on Communication Strategies for People with Autism
Ashby, C. E. (PI) & Biklen, D. (CoI)
7/1/11 → 6/30/14
Project: Sponsored Project
A Simulated Interaction Model (SIM) for Pre-Service Secondary Teachers
Dotger, B. (PI)
6/1/11 → 6/30/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Summer College and the Charles Hayden Scholars
Mangram, J.
5/1/11 → 12/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Building Capacity through Quality Teacher Preparation
Masingila, J. O. (PI)
4/1/11 → 8/14/14
Project: Sponsored Project
Self Advocacy Grassroots Group Development Campaign
Taylor, S.
2/1/11 → 8/31/12
Project: Sponsored Project
Peer-to-Peer Project: A Peer Support Network for Students with Significant Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Higher Education
Harbour, W. (PI) & Causton, J. (CoI)
10/1/10 → 9/30/14
Project: Sponsored Project
Historically Black College and Universities Disability Consortium: FIPSE
Harbour, W.
10/1/10 → 9/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Contact 21st Century Community Learning Center Program
Mager, G.
9/1/10 → 8/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Achievements and Challenges of Modeling-Based Instruction (Acmi) in Science Education: From 1980 to 2008
Lei, J. (PI)
7/15/10 → 6/30/13
Project: Sponsored Project
Social Emotional Consultation for Infant & Toddler Care:_ARRA 2nd Tier
Taylor, S.
7/1/10 → 6/30/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Mid-State Early Childhood Direction Center
Foley, A. (PI) & Taylor, S. (PI)
7/1/10 → 6/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Mid-State Early Childhood Direction Center 2014 - 2015: Subproject for Institution # 24548
Foley, A. (PI) & Taylor, S. (PI)
7/1/10 → 6/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Acquisition of Shared Digital Video Data Analysis Infrastructure:MRI-R2:_ARRA
Foley, A. (PI), Dotger, S. (CoI), Brown, A. (CoI), Dotger, B. (CoI) & Gordon, C. (CoI)
5/1/10 → 6/30/13
Project: Sponsored Project
Release Program Activities for Wretches and Jabberers Documentary
Biklen, D.
4/1/10 → 11/15/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Summer College for NYC and the Charles Hayden Scholars at Syracuse University
Mangram, J.
1/4/10 → 5/10/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Regional Dropout and Early-Leaving Prevention Study
Mager, G.
12/1/09 → 12/1/10
Project: Sponsored Project
Contact 21st Century Community Learning Center Program
Mager, G.
11/1/09 → 8/31/10
Project: Sponsored Project
From Battlefield to Classroom: Designing Pathways to Engineering for American GIs: Subproject to #24040:_ARRA
Eatman, T. (PI)
10/1/09 → 9/30/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Educational Leadership Program Enhancement - 2011 - 2012: Subproject for Institution # 23940
Shedd, J.
9/1/09 → 8/31/12
Project: Sponsored Project
Teachers and Students Thinking Mathematically (TSDM)
Tinto, P.
9/1/09 → 8/31/12
Project: Sponsored Project
Regional Holocaust and Genocide Education Initiative
Goldberg, A. (PI) & Brown, R. (PI)
7/1/09 → 6/30/10
Project: Sponsored Project
The Effects of College Quality on Student Performance and Labor Market Outcomes: A Case for Affirmative Action Policy
Cortes, K.
7/1/09 → 6/30/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Facilitation of an In-Home Exercise Intervention for Alzheimer's Disease Patients: Subproject for Institution # 23624
Keslacy, S.
7/1/09 → 6/30/13
Project: Sponsored Project
Smart Kids Visual Stories Project
Schoonmaker, M. & Biklen, S.
7/1/09 → 6/30/10
Project: Sponsored Project
The Impact of Social Isolation on Cerebrovascular Reactivity and Cognitive Function in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Subproject for Institution # 23624
Heffernan, K. S. (PI)
7/1/09 → 6/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Syracuse University Noyce Scholars Program for Science and Mathematics Teachers:_ARRA
Tillotson, J. W. (PI), Masingila, J. O. (CoI), Wiles, J. (CoI) & Dotger, S. (CoI)
6/1/09 → 9/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Mid-State Special Education Parent Center- Year 5: Subproject for Institution # 23496
Taylor, S.
1/1/09 → 3/31/14
Project: Sponsored Project