Projects per year
- 46 Finished
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Muslim Family Law Index Website/Visualization Project
Sezgin, Y. (PI)
8/26/22 → 12/1/23
Project: Sponsored Project
The Ethnicization of Conflict: A Social Media Analysis
Zeira, Y. (PI)
2/1/22 → 1/1/24
Project: Sponsored Project
Out Of Line: Immigration, Social Justice, And First-Come-First-Served
Cohen, E. F. (PI)
1/16/22 → 6/1/22
Project: Sponsored Project
Bargaining with the Bomb: Militarized Nuclear Signals and Coercive Bargaining:_Doctoral Dissertation
McDowell, D. E. (PI) & Suh, K. (CoI)
9/10/21 → 12/1/22
Project: Sponsored Project
Why Was There No Nuclear Sharing in East Asia? Tracing the Origins of U.S. Forward Nuclear Deployment Policies in Europe and East Asia:_Doctoral Dissertation
McDowell, D. E. (PI) & Suh, K. (CoI)
9/10/21 → 12/1/22
Project: Sponsored Project
Militarized Nuclear Signal:_Doctoral Dissertation
McDowell, D. E. (PI) & Suh, K. (CoI)
5/1/21 → 8/26/22
Project: Sponsored Project
The Ethnicization of Conflict: A Social Media Analysis
Zeira, Y. (PI)
1/15/21 → 1/1/24
Project: Sponsored Project
Retrofitting Leninism: Inclusive Authoritarianism in Modern China
Gueorguiev, D. (PI)
1/1/21 → 12/31/21
Project: Sponsored Project
Out Of Line: Immigration, Social Justice, And First-Come-First-Served
Cohen, E. F. (PI)
9/1/20 → 1/16/21
Project: Sponsored Project
Reforming Muslin Family Laws in Non-Muslim Regimes: the Roles of Civil Courts
Sezgin, Y. (PI)
7/1/20 → 6/30/21
Project: Sponsored Project
City Scripts: Symposia on the City
Davis, L. (PI) & Reeher, G. D. (CoI)
11/1/19 → 12/31/21
Project: Sponsored Project
AY 2019 - 2020 Center for the Study of Democratic Politics Fellowship
White, S. (PI)
9/1/19 → 6/30/20
Project: Sponsored Project
IC Center for Academic Excellence 2019 - 2020:_Subproject for Institution # 30991
Rubinstein, R. A. (CoI), Hermann, M. G. (CoI), Klotz, A. (CoI), Marciano, M. (CoI), De Nevers, R. (CoI), Ghosh, S. (CoI), Murrett, R. (PI), Zoli, C. (CoI), Kanter, A. (CoI), Bhatia, T. (CoI), Alford, K. (CoI), Baker, J. (CoI), Steinberg, L. (CoI) & Melendez, S. (CoI)
6/27/19 → 6/26/24
Project: Sponsored Project
IC Center for Academic Excellence: Syracuse University Adaptive, Diverse & Ethical IC Professionals: Partnership for Educational Results (PER/SUADE) 2020 - 2021:_ Subproject for Institution # 30991
Faulkner, C. (CoI), Rubinstein, R. A. (CoI), Hermann, M. G. (CoI), Klotz, A. (CoI), Marciano, M. (CoI), De Nevers, R. (CoI), Van Slyke, D. (CoI), Ghosh, S. (CoI), Murrett, R. (PI), Zoli, C. (CoI), Kanter, A. (CoI), Bhatia, T. (CoI), Alford, K. (CoI) & Melendez, S. (CoI)
6/27/19 → 6/26/24
Project: Sponsored Project
IRAMFAL: A Tool for Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Women's Rights under Muslim Family Laws
Sezgin, Y. (PI)
5/6/19 → 12/31/22
Project: Sponsored Project
Aiding War or Developing Peace? International Aid and the Breakdown of Post-Conflict Peace:_Doctoral Dissertation Research
McDowell, D. E. (PI) & Roberts, E. (CoI)
3/1/19 → 3/1/20
Project: Sponsored Project
The Character and Origins of Partisanship in Turkey:_Doctoral Dissertation Research
Taylor, B. D. (PI) & Ozturk, A. (CoI)
9/20/18 → 9/19/19
Project: Sponsored Project
Factccination: Experimental Corrections of Political Misinformation:_Doctoral Dissertation Research
Gadarian, S. K. (PI) & French, C. (CoI)
4/30/18 → 6/30/20
Project: Sponsored Project
Muslim Family Laws, Human Rights and Democracy: ACLS Fellowship
Sezgin, Y. (PI)
1/1/17 → 6/30/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Collaboration with the Collegio Carlo Alberto
Estevez-Abe, M. (PI)
9/1/16 → 8/31/19
Project: Sponsored Project
Enabling Justice? State Cooperation with the International Criminal Court: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Klotz, A. (PI) & Boehme, F. (CoI)
7/15/16 → 6/30/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Impact: Supreme Court Power and Influence in American Politics: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Keck, T. M. (PI) & Strother, L. (CoI)
5/1/16 → 8/1/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Civil-Military Relations and Conflict Escalation in Regional Nuclear Powers: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Elman, C. (PI) & Arceneaux, G. (CoI)
3/15/16 → 3/15/17
Project: Sponsored Project
The Impact of Religio-Legal Plurality on Women's Rights: A Global Survey
Sezgin, Y. (PI)
7/1/15 → 6/30/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Consent and Conquest: How the Western Way of Warfare Spread to Asia: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Elman, C. (PI) & Laksmana, E. (CoI)
3/15/15 → 5/15/16
Project: Sponsored Project
The Impact of Legal Pluralism on Women's Rights: Re-Evaluating the Effect with a New Multi-Method Too.
Sezgin, Y. (PI)
7/1/14 → 12/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
The Other Side of Social Spending: Public Opinion toward Social Tax Expenditure Policy in the United States
Faricy, C. G. (PI)
3/1/14 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
State Capacity Building in Contemporary Africa: The Effects of Party Systems
Schmitz, H. P. & Sigman, R.
2/1/13 → 8/1/14
Project: Sponsored Project
The Effects of Indigenous Autonomy in Southern Mexico
Cleary, M. (PI)
9/1/12 → 8/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
The Dynamics of Radicalization and De-radicalization in Egypt and Indonesia: Doctoral Dissertation Research in Political Science
Elman, M. (PI) & Matesan, I. (CoI)
5/1/12 → 10/31/13
Project: Sponsored Project
African Organizations & Human Security - A Preliminary Study
Duffy, G. (PI) & Amisi, B. (CoI)
3/1/12 → 10/31/12
Project: Sponsored Project
A Review of the Effectiveness of Plan USA's Child-Centered Community Development Strategy
Schmitz, H. P.
3/28/11 → 6/30/11
Project: Sponsored Project
CNYSpeaks: Engaging the Citizens of Central New York
Reeher, G. D. (PI) & Nabatchi, T. (PI)
7/1/09 → 6/30/10
Project: Sponsored Project
Support for Institutes and Research Groups on Qualitative and Multi-Method Research
Elman, C. (PI) & Taylor, B. D. (CoI)
7/1/08 → 6/30/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Annual Community Survey for Rural Three for Tobacco Free Communities
Stonecash, J.
6/5/08 → 8/15/08
Project: Sponsored Project
Annual Community Survey for Capital District Tobacco-Free Coalition
Stonecash, J.
6/5/08 → 8/15/08
Project: Sponsored Project
Annual Community Survey for Southern Adirondack Tobacco Free Coalition
Stonecash, J.
6/5/08 → 8/15/08
Project: Sponsored Project
States, Courts, and Nature: The Impact of State Litigation on National Environmental Policy
Pralle, S. B. (PI)
Smith Richardson Foundation Inc
9/1/07 → 5/31/10
Project: Sponsored Project
Case Study of Onondaga County Consolidation Efforts
Stonecash, J.
6/15/07 → 9/1/07
Project: Sponsored Project