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Planning: CDP: High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Site Survey Supporting Lake Victoria Scientific Drilling
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
9/1/22 → 8/31/24
Project: Sponsored Project
Developing 350-year records of Nutrient Loading and Environmental Change in Skaneateles Lake and Oneida Lakes, NY: Evaluating End-Member Lake Systems in Upstate NY
Scholz, C. A. (PI), Driscoll, C. T. (CoI) & Chipman, M. (CoI)
6/1/22 → 5/31/23
Project: Sponsored Project
Overstepping and the Formation of Metamorphic Garnet - Field, Laboratory, Geochronological, Experimental and Modeling Studies: Collaborative Research
Thomas, J. (PI)
2/1/22 → 1/31/25
Project: Sponsored Project
Where does the water go: Improving understanding of stream-aquifer-atmosphere interactions around Beaver Dam Analogues: Collaborative Research
Carter, E. (PI) & Carter, E. (PI)
1/1/22 → 5/31/23
Project: Sponsored Project
Using Geoscientific Analysis and Community Engagement to Analyze Exposures to Potential Groundwater Contamination Related to Hydrocarbon Extraction in Southwestern Pennsylvania
Wen, T. (PI)
10/1/21 → 9/30/23
Project: Sponsored Project
Revisiting the water-saturated granite solidus: Collaborative research
Thomas, J. (PI)
9/1/21 → 8/31/24
Project: Sponsored Project
Exploring the Sources, Fate, and Processing of Microplastics in Seasonally Stratified Lakes
Driscoll, C. T. (PI), Chipman, M. (CoI) & Junium, C. K. (CoI)
9/1/21 → 12/31/22
Project: Sponsored Project
Developing a Cloud-based Open-Source Platform for an Automatic High-throughput Monitoring System to Safeguard Stream Water Quality
Wen, T. (PI)
8/13/21 → 5/31/22
Project: Sponsored Project
Snowmelt Detection at Enhanced Spatiotemporal Resolution through Fusion of Satellite Active and Passive Microwave Observations
Tuttle, S. (PI)
7/1/21 → 6/30/24
Project: Sponsored Project
Sensitivity of Walker circulation to CO2 forcing during the late Pliocene as an analogue for future climate change: Collaborative Research
Bhattacharya, T. (PI)
5/15/21 → 4/30/24
Project: Sponsored Project
PaleoCAMP (Paleoclimate training in Climate Archives, Models, and Proxies): A multidisciplinary summer school for graduate students in paleoclimatology
Bhattacharya, T. (PI)
1/1/21 → 12/31/24
Project: Sponsored Project
MRI: A gas chromatograph isotope ratio mass spectrometer for compound-specific isotope analysis
Bhattacharya, T. (PI) & Junium, C. K. (CoI)
8/15/20 → 7/31/23
Project: Sponsored Project
Where does the water go: Improving understanding of stream-aquifer-atmosphere interactions around Beaver Dam Analogues: Collaborative Research:
Kelleher, C. (PI)
6/1/20 → 12/31/22
Project: Sponsored Project
The RhINO Project: Rift-Climate-Earth Surface Interactions: Rift Basin Stratigraphy and Implications for Global Exploration
Scholz, C. A. (PI), Moucha, R. (CoI) & Muirhead, J. (CoI)
5/1/20 → 4/30/24
Project: Sponsored Project
The RhINO Project: Rift-Climate-Earth Surface Interactions: Rift Basin Stratigraphy and Implications for Global Exploration
Scholz, C. A. (PI), Moucha, R. (CoI) & Muirhead, J. (CoI)
4/15/20 → 4/14/23
Project: Sponsored Project
NNA Track 1: Navigating Disturbance Regimes In The New Arctic: Collaborative Research
Chipman, M. (PI)
3/1/20 → 2/29/24
Project: Sponsored Project
A paleoclimate perspective on the response of Southwest North American rainfall to elevated greenhouse gases: Collaborative Research
Bhattacharya, T. (PI)
8/15/19 → 7/31/23
Project: Sponsored Project
Studies of Internal Phosphorus Dynamics in Skaneateles Lake
Scholz, C. A. (PI) & Driscoll, C. T. (CoI)
6/1/19 → 12/31/22
Project: Sponsored Project
Fire history of SW Greenland: Characterizing long term climate-fire relationships using lake sediments
Chipman, M. (PI)
4/8/19 → 6/3/21
Project: Sponsored Project
RUI: Tiny fossils, big questions: Using organic carbon isotopes of single fossils to illuminate Proterozoic eukaryotic ecosystems: Collaborative Research
Junium, C. K. (PI)
4/1/19 → 12/31/22
Project: Sponsored Project
Acquisition of a Multi-Sensor Core Logger for Syracuse University
Chipman, M. (PI), Scholz, C. A. (CoI), Junium, C. K. (CoI), Lu, Z. (CoI) & Bhattacharya, T. (CoI)
3/15/19 → 2/28/21
Project: Sponsored Project
A High Resolution Paleoclimate Archive of Termination I in Oneida Lake and Glacial Lake Iroquois Sediments: Collaborative Research
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
7/1/18 → 6/30/23
Project: Sponsored Project
Refining foraminiferal I/Ca as a paleoceanographic oxygenation proxy for the glacial Atlantic Ocean: Collaborative Research
Lu, Z. (PI)
8/15/17 → 7/31/23
Project: Sponsored Project
Comparative deformation of the Kerimbas Graben, Offshore Mozambique and Tanzania, and the East African Rift
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
8/1/17 → 12/15/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Stratigraphic Evolution of the East African Rift
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
7/1/17 → 12/31/19
Project: Sponsored Project
GeoPRISMS: Constraining the flux of magma and magmatic CO2 during early-stage rifting in East Africa: Collaborative Research
Scholz, C. A. (PI) & Muirhead, J. (CoI)
7/1/17 → 6/30/21
Project: Sponsored Project
Supplemental Support for Processing of SEGMeNT Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data from Central and Northern Lake Malawi
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
6/1/17 → 12/31/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Lava Flows for Displays and Scientific Education
Karson, J. A. (PI) & Wysocki, R. (CoI)
3/1/17 → 6/30/18
Project: Sponsored Project
MRI - Acquisition of an Electron Microprobe at Syracuse University: A Central New York Regional User Facility
Thomas, J. (PI)
2/1/17 → 8/31/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Environmental Monitoring and Geoscience Surveying Applications for SU sUAS - Subproject for Institution # SP-29403-2
Winders, J. L. (CoI), Scholz, C. A. (CoI), Moucha, R. (CoI), Read, J. M. (CoI), Karson, J. A. (CoI), Kelleher, C. (PI), Monmonier, M. (CoI), Lautz, L. (CoI) & Condon, L. (CoI)
10/24/16 → 5/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Storage and Diffusion of Carbon and Nitrogen in Crustal Materials
Baldwin, S. L. (PI)
9/1/16 → 8/31/21
Project: Sponsored Project
MRI: Acquisition of an Electron Microprobe at Syracuse University: a Central New York Regional User Facility
Thomas, J. (PI), Samson, S. D. (CoI), Baldwin, S. L. (CoI) & Gilbert, J. (CoI)
9/1/16 → 8/31/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Collaborative Research: "Double-Double Dating" of Detrital Monazite and Detrital Zircon: Quantifying Sediment Recycling in Tectonic Studies
Samson, S. D. (PI)
8/1/16 → 7/31/21
Project: Sponsored Project
Evolution of the Midcontinent Rift as a Rift/Lip Hybrid: Collaborative Research
Moucha, R. (PI)
6/1/16 → 5/31/19
Project: Sponsored Project
Seasonality, Summer Cooling, and Calibrating the Approach of the Icehouse in Late Eocene Antarctica
Ivany, L. C. (PI), Samson, S. D. (CoI), Junium, C. K. (CoI) & Lu, Z. (CoI)
4/1/16 → 3/31/21
Project: Sponsored Project
Collaborative Research: Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies of New Trace Element Thermobarometers
Thomas, J. (PI)
3/1/16 → 2/28/19
Project: Sponsored Project
Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies of New Trace Element Thermobarometers: Collaborative Research
Thomas, J. (PI)
3/1/16 → 2/28/20
Project: Sponsored Project
Strategic Evolution of the East Africa Rift
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
11/1/15 → 6/30/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Stratigraphic Evolution of the East African Rift
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
11/1/15 → 6/30/19
Project: Sponsored Project
Stratigraphic Evolution of the East African Rift
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
9/21/15 → 9/21/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Strategic Evolution of the East Africa Rift
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
7/1/15 → 6/30/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Stratigraphic Evolution of the East African Rift
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
7/1/15 → 6/30/19
Project: Sponsored Project
Strategic Evolution of the East African Rift
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
7/1/15 → 6/30/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Stratigraphic Evolution of the East African Rift
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
7/1/15 → 6/30/19
Project: Sponsored Project
Stratigraphic Evolution of the East African Rift
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
7/1/15 → 6/30/18
Project: Sponsored Project
The Keck Geology Consortium: Year-long Collaborative and Comprehensive Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Karson, J. A. (PI)
5/15/15 → 4/30/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Deformation Thermometry and Water Weakening of Quartz Tectonites - Case Studies from the Himalaya and the Caledonides of NW Scotland: Collaborative Research
Thomas, J. (PI)
5/1/15 → 7/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
NRT: Education Model Program on Water-Energy Research (EMPOWER) at Syracuse University
Driscoll, C. T. (PI), Scholz, C. A. (CoI), Lautz, L. (PI), Torrance, D. (CoI), Kahan, T. (CoI) & Kelleher, C. (CoI)
4/1/15 → 3/31/22
Project: Sponsored Project