Projects per year
- 400 - 450 out of 906 results
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Climate Change-Driven Extreme (UREx) Sustainability Research Network
Chandler, D. G. (PI), Davidson, C. I. (CoI) & Kelleher, C. (CoI)
7/1/15 → 6/30/21
Project: Sponsored Project
Vision Based Traffic Conflict Detection and Exploration in Vicinity of Signalized Intersections
Velipasalar, S. (PI)
7/1/15 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Mechanically Assisted Corrosion of Modular Tapers: Role of Seating Mechanics and Taper Interface Conditions
Gilbert, J. (PI)
7/1/15 → 7/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Wound Dressing Development
Ren, D. (CoI) & Mather, P. (PI)
7/1/15 → 12/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
High Tech Matching Grant - Micro Environmental Control System
Khalifa, H. E. (PI)
New York State Department of Economic Development
6/1/15 → 6/30/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Distributed Brain-Inspired Information Processing on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor and its Application to Intelligent Text Recognition
Qiu, Q. (PI)
6/1/15 → 5/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Innovative Techniques for Maintenance, Repair and Reconstruction (MRR) of Asphalt Roadways
Salman, B. (PI) & Salem, O. (CoI)
6/1/15 → 8/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Polysialic Acid-Based Drug Delivery Platforms for Use in Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment
Bader, R.
5/13/15 → 9/1/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Undergraduate Summer Research Experience in Earth System Science and Pre-College Outreach Activities
Johnson, C. E. (CoI) & Plumley, P. (PI)
5/1/15 → 5/30/21
Project: Sponsored Project
Understanding the Impacts of Ice Storms on Forest Ecosystems of the Northeastern United States: Collaborative Research
Driscoll, C. T. (PI)
5/1/15 → 4/30/20
Project: Sponsored Project
Micro Environmental Control System
Bogucz, E. A. (PI), Dang, T. Q. (CoI), Isik, C. (CoI), Zhang, J. (CoI) & Carr, D. (CoI)
5/1/15 → 10/31/21
Project: Sponsored Project
Development of Software and Database of Green Design Studio for Sustainable Buildings - Phase 1: Training and Feasibility Study
Zhang, J. (PI), Krietemeyer, B. (CoI), Qiu, Q. (CoI) & Tang, J. (CoI)
5/1/15 → 8/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Optimizing Privacy-Preserving Analytics in Information Networks
Tang, Y. (PI)
5/1/15 → 5/15/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Interactive Biomaterials: REU Site
Henderson, J. (PI), Hasenwinkel, J. M. (CoI) & Mather, P. (CoI)
5/1/15 → 9/30/18
Project: Sponsored Project
The Nappi Family Foundation Research Scholar Project
Sureshkumar, R. (PI) & Mohan, C. K. (CoI)
4/23/15 → 6/30/20
Project: Sponsored Project
Sorption and Desorption of Insecticide Chemicals by Building and Furnishing Materials
Zhang, J. (PI)
4/15/15 → 12/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
High Tech Matching Grant - Micro Environmental Control System
Ezzat Khalifa, H. (PI)
4/1/15 → 3/31/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Enabling Transport Across the Blood-Brain Barrier by Engineering Thermodynamically Favorable Pathways: CAREER
Nangia, S. (PI)
4/1/15 → 1/31/22
Project: Sponsored Project
NRT: Education Model Program on Water-Energy Research (EMPOWER) at Syracuse University
Driscoll, C. T. (PI), Scholz, C. A. (CoI), Lautz, L. (PI), Torrance, D. (CoI), Kahan, T. (CoI) & Kelleher, C. (CoI)
4/1/15 → 3/31/22
Project: Sponsored Project
An Adaptive Evolutionary Computing Based Runtime Checker
Yin, H. (PI)
3/11/15 → 5/15/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Video Analytics Cryptanalysis Project
Phoha, V. (PI), Yu, E. (CoI) & Mehrotra, K. (CoI)
3/3/15 → 12/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Nutrient Dynamics in Adirondack Lakes Recovering from Acidification by Acid Deposition
Driscoll, C. T. (PI)
1/23/15 → 8/31/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Experimental and Numerical Study of Nanoscale Evaporation Heat Transfer for Passive-Flow Driven High-Heat Flux Devices: CAREER
Maroo, S. C. (PI)
1/15/15 → 1/31/22
Project: Sponsored Project
A Spectrum-efficient and Green Cloud Platform for Radio-as-a-Service Over a Cognitive Radio Substrate: EARS: CogCloud
Gursoy, M. C. (CoI) & Tang, J. (PI)
1/1/15 → 12/31/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Evaluation of Risk-of-Islanding and Distributed Generators from the Distribution Network
Ghosh, P. K. (PI)
1/1/15 → 5/29/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Bacterial Persistence and Horizontal Gene Transfer in the Built Environment
Ren, D. (PI)
1/1/15 → 12/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for DNA Mixture Interpretation - Subproject for Inst. #27632 Engineering
Mohan, C. K. (PI)
1/1/15 → 6/30/16
Project: Sponsored Project
SusChEM: Development of Governing Mechanistic and Kinetic Models for the Selective Oxidative Cleavage of Levulinic Acid Over Supported Vanadium Oxides: CAREER
Bond, J. Q. (PI)
1/1/15 → 12/31/20
Project: Sponsored Project
Robust Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground MIMO Communications
Chen, B. (PI)
12/18/14 → 9/30/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Enhancement of Electronic Claims Adjudication and Management System (eCAMS)
Varshney, P. K. (PI)
11/30/14 → 12/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Mobile mmW Networking: Distributed Cognition and Coordination Algorithms using Novel On-Chip Phased-Arrays - Collaborative Research
Gursoy, M. C. (PI)
11/1/14 → 10/31/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Modeling of Engine Fan and Nacelle System (Phase 3)
Dang, T. Q. (PI)
11/1/14 → 10/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Estimating Soil Weathering Rates in Catskills Watersheds
Johnson, C. E. (PI)
10/27/14 → 10/26/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Innovations in Data Center, Information and Communications Technology Energy Efficiency
Ezzat Khalifa, H. (PI)
10/24/14 → 5/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Mercury Dynamics Influenced by Nutrient Loading in Urban Estuaries in New York
Driscoll, C. T. (PI)
10/24/14 → 8/31/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Sorption Modeling and Verification for Off-Gas Treatment
Tavlarides, L. (PI)
10/1/14 → 9/30/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Hot Compaction of PLA Fibers as a Stent Material
Mather, P. (PI)
10/1/14 → 9/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Assessing Biological Mercury Hotspots in Montane Ecosystems of the Northern Forest
Driscoll, C. T. (PI)
9/18/14 → 9/17/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Spreading SEEDS: Large-Scale Dissemination of SEED Labs for Security Education
Du, W. (PI) & Wang, Y. (CoI)
9/1/14 → 8/31/19
Project: Sponsored Project
Using Lagrangian Coherent Structures to Characterize Vortex Shedding on Bluff Bodies in Cross-Flow
Green, M. (PI)
9/1/14 → 8/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Context-Aware Active Authentication using Touch Gestures, Typing Patterns and Body Movement
Phoha, V. (PI)
8/16/14 → 6/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Graduate Research Fellowship Program -Ash-Shakoor
Mather, P.
8/16/14 → 8/15/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Self-Sustaining Thermochemical Pumping and Power Generation at Mesoscales
Ahn, J. (PI)
8/15/14 → 7/31/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Computational Aircraft Prototype Syntheses (CAPS)
Dannenhoffer, J. F. (PI)
8/7/14 → 1/31/20
Project: Sponsored Project
Mapping Changes in the Active Stream Channel Network in Mesoscale Watersheds in order to Understand Distinct Signatures in Event Recession Curves: Collaborative Research
Chandler, D. G. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Project ENGAGE 2015 (Empowering the Next Generation: Advancing Girls in Engineering)
Steinberg, L. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Experimental Determination of Non-Evaporating Film Thickness in Pool Boiling: EAGER
Maroo, S. C. (PI)
7/1/14 → 6/30/16
Project: Sponsored Project