Projects per year
- 550 - 600 out of 951 results
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Evaluation of Automated Overset Structured Grid Technology for complex configurations
Dannenhoffer, J. F. (PI)
8/1/13 → 11/15/13
Project: Sponsored Project
Modeling of Engine Fan and Nacelle Systems
Dang, T. Q. (PI)
7/5/13 → 11/30/13
Project: Sponsored Project
Development and Demonstration of Automated Overset Grid Generation for Complete Fixed Wing Aircraft
Dannenhoffer, J. F. (PI)
7/1/13 → 12/31/13
Project: Sponsored Project
Information Models for Material and Materials Processing for Product Life Cycle for Sustainable Manufacturing
Roy, U. (PI)
7/1/13 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Meeting the Graduate 10K+Challenge:Enhancing the Climate for Persistence and Success in Engineering (ECLIPSE)
Hasenwinkel, J. M. (PI), Isik, C. (CoI), Carranti, F. (CoI), Dannenhoffer, J. (CoI) & Cadwell, K. (CoI)
7/1/13 → 6/30/21
Project: Sponsored Project
Adding Adaptation to Cochlear Implant Signal Processing to Enhance Dynamic Speech Features
Azadpour, M.
6/28/13 → 6/27/14
Project: Sponsored Project
The Effects of Watershed and Stream Liming on Mercury Dynamics at Honnedaga Lake
Driscoll, C. T. (PI)
6/6/13 → 12/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
39th Northeast Bioengineering Conference: Conference Support
Henderson, J. (PI)
4/1/13 → 3/31/14
Project: Sponsored Project
Development of Novel Self-Healing Materials
Mather, P. (PI)
4/1/13 → 6/30/14
Project: Sponsored Project
Reverse Shape Memory Polymers Exhibiting Ambient Actuation Triggering
Mather, P. (PI)
3/15/13 → 6/30/14
Project: Sponsored Project
Disparity and Correspondence in Human Stereo Vision
Farell, B.
3/1/13 → 2/28/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Transport and Separation through Virus-Structured Nanoporous Membranes: Collaborative Research
Maroo, S. C. (PI)
2/15/13 → 1/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
A Proposal to Accelerate Innovations in Advanced Manufacturing of Thermal and Environmental Control Systems
Bogucz, E. A. (PI), Maroo, S. C. (CoI) & Ezzat Khalifa, H. (PI)
1/1/13 → 12/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Investigation of Ignition and Soot Formation Trends During High-Temperature Oxidation of Gasoline and Furan Blends
Akih-Kumgeh, B. (PI)
1/1/13 → 8/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
nQCM: A High Sensitivity Sensor/Detector of Airborne Molecules - AMTEC
Maroo, S. C. (CoI)
1/1/13 → 12/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Multi-Scale and Multi-Functional Self Healing Fiber Reinforced Composites
Mather, P. (PI)
1/1/13 → 12/31/14
Project: Sponsored Project
A Novel Integration of Smart Sensing Systems with Environmental System Modeling for Sustainable and Healthy Buildings - AMTEC
Zhang, J. (PI)
1/1/13 → 12/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Exploratory Assessment of the Energy Savings Potential of CRAC Bypass for Enclosed-Aisle Data Centers - AMTEC
Ezzat Khalifa, H. (PI)
1/1/13 → 12/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Understanding Implant Surfaces, Tribocorrosion and Bioelectrochemistry
Gilbert, J. (PI)
12/12/12 → 3/31/14
Project: Sponsored Project
NYSP2I R&D Program 2012-2013 Student Competition
Santanam, S.
12/7/12 → 4/30/13
Project: Sponsored Project
Assessment of ReliaFlex System for OC Center for Forensic Science
Ezzat Khalifa, H. (PI)
10/29/12 → 11/25/12
Project: Sponsored Project
Investigation of the Carrs Creek Geofoam Project
Negussey, D. (PI)
10/1/12 → 12/31/13
Project: Sponsored Project
The Development and Use of Non-Destructive Micro-Indentation Methods to Test Contact Lens Surface Mechanics
Gilbert, J. (PI)
10/1/12 → 7/1/13
Project: Sponsored Project
Value Driven Information Processing and Fusion
Chen, B. (PI)
9/1/12 → 10/22/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Interference Management for Visible Light Communications via Poisson Model: CIF: Small: Collaborative Research
Liang, Y. (PI)
9/1/12 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Data Reduction for Networked Inference: CIF: Small
Chen, B. (PI)
9/1/12 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Smart Material Advances and Advanced Research Training SMAART
Henderson, J. (PI)
9/1/12 → 8/31/13
Project: Sponsored Project
Rational Design of Bifunctional Catalysts for the Conversion of Levulinic Acid to Gamma-Valerolactone: Collaborative Research
Bond, J. Q. (PI)
9/1/12 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
LSAMP Mid-Level: The Upstate Alliance
Staniec, A. C. (PI), Wiles, J. (CoI) & Lee-Glauser, G. (CoI)
9/1/12 → 8/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
A Broad Based Nuclear Engineering Track at Syracuse University
Tavlarides, L. (PI) & Ezzat Khalifa, H. (CoI)
8/31/12 → 8/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Subproject for Institution # 26216 - Mather - Separating Polymer Blends
Mather, P.
8/24/12 → 12/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Improved Service Life Predictions of Critical Army Air Vehicle Structures: Collaborative Research
Weiss, V. & Weiss, V.
8/24/12 → 2/29/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Improved Service Life Predictions of Critical Army Air Vehicle Structures: Collaborative Research
Weiss, V. (PI) & Davidson, B. (CoI)
8/24/12 → 2/29/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Digital Techniques in Radio Frequency/Microwaves
Arvas, E.
8/16/12 → 12/31/13
Project: Sponsored Project
A Green and Incentive Platform for Mobile Phone Sensing: NeTS: Small: Collaborative Research
Tang, J. (PI)
8/1/12 → 7/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Graduate Research Fellowship Program - Milcarek
Ahn, J. (PI)
7/15/12 → 6/30/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Development and Operating of a Website for Electronic Library of the Center of Sustainable Engineering
Davidson, C. I. (PI)
7/1/12 → 12/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Automatic Malware Analysis in Emulator-based instrumentation Platform
Yin, H. (PI)
7/1/12 → 6/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Shape-Memory-Actuated Materials for Accelerated Healing of Orthopedic Injuries in Warfighters
Henderson, J. (PI)
7/1/12 → 6/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Low Cost, High Volume Manufacturing of Multicomponent Plasmonic Interfaces: A Nanopaint-Based Technology for Tunable Light Capturing and Energy Harvesting: I-Corps
Sureshkumar, R. (PI)
7/1/12 → 12/31/12
Project: Sponsored Project
Confabulation Based Real-time Anomaly Detection for Wide-area Surveillance using Heterogeneous High Performance Computing Archive
Qiu, Q. (PI) & Liang, Y. (CoI)
6/14/12 → 12/31/14
Project: Sponsored Project
New Technology for Treating Chronic Infections - Phase 3: Add01
Ren, D. (PI)
6/4/12 → 3/31/14
Project: Sponsored Project