Projects per year
- 600 - 650 out of 1,186 results
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Tagging and Tracking of Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales in Florida Waters
Parks, S. E. (PI)
9/1/14 → 12/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Acquisition of an Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator for Quantum Information Science with Superconducting Circuits
Plourde, B. (PI)
8/25/14 → 8/24/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Shiptown: North Indian Lives Between Rural and Urban
Gold, A.
8/24/14 → 8/23/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Holomorphic Singular Integrals on Non-Smooth Domains in Complex Analysis
Lanzani, L. (PI)
8/18/14 → 5/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Reduction of Backgrounds for WIMP Dark Matter
Middleton, A. A. (PI)
8/16/14 → 5/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Using Iodine-Calcium Ratios in Carbonates to Measure Oxygen in Ancient Atmospheres during the Development of Early Life: Collaborative Research
Lu, Z. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Integrative Data Analysis to Predict Alcohol Clinical Course and Inform Practice
Maisto, S. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
EAGER: Enhancing Recruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Populations Through PLTL (ERRUPT)
Wiles, J. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Construction of the Upstream Tracker for the LHCb Upgrade: Collaborative Research
Artuso, M. (PI), Skwarnicki, T. (CoI), Blusk, S. R. (CoI) & Stone, S. (CoI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/22
Project: Sponsored Project
Modeling Auditory Responses and Behavioral Outcomes in Preterm Infants.
Prieve, B. A. (PI)
8/1/14 → 4/29/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Improving Clinical Speech Remediation with Ultrasound Technology
Preston, J. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/19
Project: Sponsored Project
Terahertz Spectroscopy of Polymorphism in Complex Molecular Solids
Korter, T. M. (PI)
7/15/14 → 6/30/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Lava Flows - Calibrating Natural Basaltic Lava Flows with Large-Scale Lava Experiments
Karson, J. A. (PI)
7/9/14 → 4/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Understanding the Evolutionary Transition between Annual and Perennial Life History Strategies
Friedman, J. (PI)
7/1/14 → 6/30/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Sensory-motor Integration in Cerebrospinal Fluid Contacting Neurons
Lewis, K. E. (PI)
7/1/14 → 6/30/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Gravitational Wave Astronomy and Astrophysics With Advanced LIGO
Brown, D. A. (PI)
7/1/14 → 6/30/17
Project: Sponsored Project
PFI for Smoking and Analgesic Misuse Among Older Adults with HIV and Chronic Pain
Ditre, J. W. (PI)
7/1/14 → 6/30/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Utilization of a Shimadzu Triple-Quad to Address Critical Questions Pertaining to Peptide and Protein Post-Translational and Chemical Modifications
Castaneda, C. (PI) & Doyle, R. P. (CoI)
7/1/14 → 6/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Specification of Functional Characteristics of Spinal Cord Interneurons
Lewis, K. E. (PI)
7/1/14 → 4/30/20
Project: Sponsored Project
Classifying Categorization Using State Trace Analysis and Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling
Kalish, M. L. (PI)
6/1/14 → 2/28/18
Project: Sponsored Project
IOS: Coordinating Developmental Gene Expression in Myxococcus Xanthus
Welch, R. (PI), Lewis, K. E. (PI) & Garza, A. (CoI)
6/1/14 → 5/31/18
Project: Sponsored Project
Effects of Urban Surface Films on Air Quality: Linking Composition to Reactivity
Kahan, T. (PI)
6/1/14 → 5/31/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Multi-Scale Geometry of Bi-Lipschitz and Quasiconformal Maps
Kovalev, L. V. (PI)
6/1/14 → 5/31/19
Project: Sponsored Project
Neurotoxicity of Early Life Exposure to Contaminants Isolated from Onondaga Lake Bed Sediments - Hill Collaboration
Lewis, K. E. (CoI)
6/1/14 → 6/30/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Flow, Failure, and Migration in Glassy Materials: CAREER
Manning, M. L. (PI)
6/1/14 → 5/31/20
Project: Sponsored Project
Neutrino Physics with Liquid Argon Detectors: Entering the MicroBooNE Era
Soderberg, M. (PI)
5/15/14 → 12/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
NIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program - Gaithersburg
Machia, L. (PI)
5/1/14 → 9/30/14
Project: Sponsored Project
Research and Activities to Advance the Northern Kenya Carbon Project
Ritchie, M. E. (PI)
5/1/14 → 8/31/14
Project: Sponsored Project
Intrinsic Factor Mediated Detection of the Cubilin Receptor
Doyle, R. P. (PI)
5/1/14 → 12/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Fulbright FLTA 2014 Summer Orientation Program
Greenberg, G.
3/24/14 → 9/23/14
Project: Sponsored Project
DNA-based Geo-sourcing of Papaver somniferum Derived Drugs
Marciano, M. (CoI) & Sweder, K. (PI)
3/4/14 → 9/4/15
Project: Sponsored Project
Kress Travel Fund for Florence Graduate Program in Renaissance Art
Cornelison, S. & Radke, G.
3/1/14 → 6/30/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Scalable Readout of Superconducting Qubits with Novel Superconducting Amplifiers and Metamaterials
Plourde, B. (PI)
3/1/14 → 2/28/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Theoretical Investigation of Optical Properties of Quantum Dots Using Explicitly Correlated Methods: CAREER
Chakraborty, A. (PI)
3/1/14 → 9/30/20
Project: Sponsored Project
Investigating Ghrelin O-acyltransferase as a Potential Target for Treating Prader-Willi Syndrome
Hougland, J. L. (PI)
2/1/14 → 1/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
New Metal Catalyzed Reactions for Trans-Alkynevinylation: CAREER
Clark, D. (PI)
1/1/14 → 6/30/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Targeting Ghrelin Acylation to Control Glucose Homeostasis
Hougland, J. L. (PI)
11/1/13 → 6/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project
The Effect of Hearing Aids on Cognitive Function in Middle-Aged Adults
Desjardins, J.
11/1/13 → 12/31/14
Project: Sponsored Project
A Day of Dialog between National and Local Forensic Leaders with the Syracuse University Community
Spencer, J. T. (PI), Sponsler, M. (CoI) & Knaebel, D. (PI)
10/7/13 → 6/30/15
Project: Sponsored Project