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Soft Matter Physics of Biofilm Growth: A New Role of Substrate Viscoelasticity in Biofilm Growth
Patteson, A. (PI)
7/1/23 → 6/30/26
Project: Sponsored Project
CAREER: Biomarker perspectives on the sensitivity of western North American precipitation to climate change
Bhattacharya, T. (PI)
5/1/23 → 4/30/28
Project: Sponsored Project
The Syracuse University-Summer Training in Alcohol Research (SU-STAR) Program
Park, A. (PI)
3/15/23 → 2/29/28
Project: Sponsored Project
CAREER: Biomechanics and Mechanobiology of Vimentin Intermediate Filaments
Patteson, A. (PI)
3/1/23 → 2/29/28
Project: Sponsored Project
Intensive Speech Motor Chaining Treatment and Artificial Intelligence Integration for Persisting Speech Sound Disorders
Preston, J. (PI)
3/1/23 → 2/29/28
Project: Sponsored Project
Development of Modular Synthetic Sensors for Protein Biomarker Detection
Movileanu, L. (PI)
3/1/23 → 2/28/27
Project: Sponsored Project
Intensive Speech Motor Chaining Treatment and Artificial Intelligence Integration for Persisting Speech Sound Disorders - CSD
Preston, J. (PI)
3/1/23 → 2/29/28
Project: Sponsored Project
The Past, Present, and Future of Boreal Fire Feedbacks:Collaborative Research
Chipman, M. (PI)
2/1/23 → 1/31/27
Project: Sponsored Project
Caller-ID for cetaceans: Validating approaches for identifying focal communication signals using acoustic recording tags
Jensen, F. (PI) & Parks, S. E. (CoI)
1/3/23 → 12/31/26
Project: Sponsored Project
CAREER: Stimuli-responsive biomaterials for wound healing and drug delivery
Makhylnets, O. (PI)
1/1/23 → 12/31/27
Project: Sponsored Project
Black-Arab Relationalities: Confronting Racism, Narrating Solidarities
Fadda-Conrey, C.
1/1/23 → 12/31/25
Project: Sponsored Project
Frameworks: DeCODER (Democratized Cyberinfrastructure for Open Discovery to Enable Research): Collaborative Research
Wen, T. (PI)
10/1/22 → 9/30/26
Project: Sponsored Project
Collaborative Research: Coaching to Learn: A Peer-to-Peer Intervention to Help College Students Apply and Transfer Effective Learning Strategies across STEM Courses
Usdansky, M. L. (PI), Tillotson, J. W. (CoI), Razza, R. A. (CoI) & Lopoo, L. M. (CoI)
10/1/22 → 9/30/25
Project: Sponsored Project
The Genomic Basis and Molecular Mechanisms of Speciation
Ahmed, Y. (PI)
9/19/22 → 7/31/27
Project: Sponsored Project
From Fundamental Studies of Metalloproteins to Practical Applications
Makhylnets, O. (PI)
9/15/22 → 8/31/25
Project: Sponsored Project
CAREER: Recognition-Memory Modeling: Testing Foundations and Extending Boundaries
van der Kellen Mendes, D. (PI)
9/15/22 → 8/31/27
Project: Sponsored Project
A Unified Protocol to Address Sexual Minority Women's Minority Stress, Mental Health and Hazardous Drinking
Scheer, J. (PI)
9/12/22 → 8/31/27
Project: Sponsored Project
Collaborative Research: A Mock Data Challenge for Cosmic Explorer
Brown, D. A. (PI)
9/1/22 → 8/31/25
Project: Sponsored Project
Homological Approaches to Differential Forms, Differential Operators, and Transfer of Algebra Structures
Miller, C. (PI)
9/1/22 → 8/31/27
Project: Sponsored Project
Alcohol and “Heat of the Moment” Sexual Decision Making among MSM: Identifying Mechanisms of Sexual Risk and Promoting Behavior Change Through Brief Intervention
Maisto, S.
8/15/22 → 5/31/27
Project: Sponsored Project
Collaborative Research: Sparse Machine Learning and Sparse Optimization
Shen, L. (PI)
8/15/22 → 7/31/25
Project: Sponsored Project
CAREER: Towards Harnessing the Motility of Microorganisms: Fast Algorithms, Data-Driven Models, and 3D Interactive Visual Computing
Rostami, M. (PI)
8/1/22 → 7/31/27
Project: Sponsored Project
The CSUF-led partnership for inclusion of underrepresented groups in gravitational-wave astronomy
Ballmer, S. (PI) & Mansell, G. (CoI)
8/1/22 → 7/31/25
Project: Sponsored Project
Pluripotential Theory and Random Geometry on Compact Complex Manifolds
Coman, D. (PI)
7/1/22 → 6/30/25
Project: Sponsored Project
Neutrino Research at Syracuse University
Soderberg, M. (PI) & Whittington, D. (CoI)
7/1/22 → 6/30/25
Project: Sponsored Project
Detector Technology for Gravitational-Wave Astrophysics
Ballmer, S. (PI)
7/1/22 → 6/30/25
Project: Sponsored Project
CAREER: Modeling the unique effects of verbal and physical contact on well-being
Jakubiak, B. (PI)
7/1/22 → 6/30/27
Project: Sponsored Project
Subproject for Institution # 32589 ESTEEMED LEArning and Discovery through Engineering Research at Syracuse (LEADERS)
Smith, D.
6/15/22 → 2/28/26
Project: Sponsored Project
CAREER: Post-translationally Lipidated Biopolymers As Multiphasic All-Aqueous Emulsions
Mozhdehi, D. (PI)
6/1/22 → 5/31/27
Project: Sponsored Project
Energy-minimal Principles in Geometric Function Theory
Onninen, J. K. (PI)
6/1/22 → 5/31/25
Project: Sponsored Project
Mechanisms Governing Activity-dependent Postnatal Brain Development
Ahmed, Y. (PI)
5/1/22 → 4/30/27
Project: Sponsored Project
BEE: Ecological and Coevolutionary Feedbacks in Multi-mutualist Communities: Collaborative Research
Althoff, D. M. (PI)
4/15/22 → 3/31/26
Project: Sponsored Project
Neutrino Research at Syracuse University
Soderberg, M. (PI) & Whittington, D. (CoI)
4/1/22 → 3/31/25
Project: Sponsored Project
CAREER: Spin Dynamics Measurements of Site-to-Site Variations in Hydration Water at Soft Nanoscale Interfaces
Franck, J. (PI)
1/1/22 → 12/31/26
Project: Sponsored Project
Institute for Global Indigenous Cultures and Environmental Justice
Stevens, S. M.
12/17/21 → 12/31/25
Project: Sponsored Project
CNY Quantum Technology Corridor - Plourde
Plourde, B. (PI) & Pechenezhskiy, I. (CoI)
11/15/21 → 12/31/26
Project: Sponsored Project
DMREF: Autonomous Bio-synthetic Hybrid Materials driven by Biomolecular Circuitry: Collaborative Research
Ross, J. (PI)
10/1/21 → 9/30/25
Project: Sponsored Project
The Development of Inferred perception in ASD
Russo, N. (PI) & Kalish, M. L. (CoI)
10/1/21 → 9/30/25
Project: Sponsored Project
Testing The Reduction Of Aerobic Habitat As A Common Kill Mechanism For Major Mass Extinction Events: Collaborative research
Lu, Z. (PI)
9/1/21 → 8/31/26
Project: Sponsored Project
Genetically Encoded Lipidation to Manipulate Structure, Assembly, and Phase Behavior of Proteins
Mozhdehi, D. (PI)
9/1/21 → 6/30/26
Project: Sponsored Project
Graduate Research Fellowship Program - Valen
Burke, S. (PI)
9/1/21 → 8/31/26
Project: Sponsored Project
Graduate Research Fellowship Program - Pascar
Pitnick, S. S. (PI) & Dorus, S. (CoI)
9/1/21 → 8/31/26
Project: Sponsored Project
Role of vimentin in mammalian cell motility
Patteson, A. (PI)
8/16/21 → 7/31/26
Project: Sponsored Project
Targeting the GDF15-GFRAL System to Treat Nausea and Emesis
Doyle, R. P. (PI)
8/9/21 → 5/31/25
Project: Sponsored Project
Collaborative Research: Nuclear Physics from Multi-Messenger Mergers (NP3M)
Brown, D. A. (PI)
8/1/21 → 7/31/26
Project: Sponsored Project
IUCRC Phase I Syracuse University: Center for Solid-State Green Electric Power Generation and Storage (CEPS)
Qiao, Q. (PI), Zheng, W. (CoI), Ahn, J. (CoI), Maroo, S. C. (CoI) & Dong, B. (CoI)
7/1/21 → 6/30/26
Project: Sponsored Project
Testing a Biopsychosocial Model of Violence Exposure, Minority Stressors, and Hazardous Drinking among Sexual Minority Women
Scheer, J. (PI)
6/1/21 → 5/31/26
Project: Sponsored Project
Characterizing Quaternary Fault Behavior and Surface Processes of an Active Rift: The Lake Malawi (Nyasa) Rift, East Africa: Collaborative Research
Scholz, C. A. (PI) & Moucha, R. (CoI)
4/1/21 → 3/31/25
Project: Sponsored Project
Apparatus for Normalization and Systematic Control of the MOLLER Experiment: Collaborative Research
Souder, P. A. (PI)
3/1/21 → 2/28/25
Project: Sponsored Project