Projects per year
- 950 - 1,000 out of 1,186 results
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Peopled Places: Neighborhoods, Shops and Shrines in a North Indian Market Town
Gold, A.
7/1/10 → 12/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Response to Intervention (RtI) Technical Assistance Center (Subproject for Institution # 24113)
Eckert, T. L. (PI)
6/1/09 → 12/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Statoil Lacustrine Rift Basin Industrial Associates Program
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
1/1/10 → 12/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Understanding Male Gamete Competition Using Unique Molecular Tags
Pitnick, S. S. (PI) & Belote, J. (CoI)
8/1/08 → 12/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Understanding Male Gamete Competition Using Unique Molecular Tags: REU Supplement
Pitnick, S. S. (PI) & Belote, J. (CoI)
8/1/08 → 12/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Chevron Lacustrine Rift Basin Industrial Associates Program
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
1/1/11 → 12/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Hyoid and Laryngeal Position in Individuals With and Without Muscle Tension Dysphonia
Lowell, S. (PI)
11/1/09 → 10/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
A Central New York Humanities Corridor
*Cohan, *. (PI), *Cohan, *. (PI), *Cohan, *. (PI), *Cohan, *. (PI), *Cohan, *. (PI), *Gold, *. (PI), *Gold, *. (PI), *Gold, *. (PI), *Gold, *. (PI), *Gold, *. (PI), *Kornfilt, *. (PI), *Kornfilt, *. (PI), *Kornfilt, *. (PI), *Kornfilt, *. (PI), *Kornfilt, *. (PI), *Van Gulick, *. (PI), *Van Gulick, *. (PI), *Van Gulick, *. (PI), *Van Gulick, *. (PI), *Van Gulick, *. (PI), Lambert, G. (PI), Lambert, G. (PI), Lambert, G. (PI), Lambert, G. (PI), Lambert, G. (PI), Newton, C. R. (PI), Newton, C. R. (PI), Newton, C. R. (PI), Newton, C. R. (PI) & Newton, C. R. (PI)
1/1/06 → 10/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Graduate Program Teaching Initiative Workshop to Assess the Preparation of PhD Students for Teaching Appointments
Watts, J. (PI) & Waghorne, J. (CoI)
1/15/11 → 10/30/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Jazz and Blues Rhythms: The Influence of Contemporary North American Music on 20th and 21st Century Spanish Poetry
Everly, K. (PI)
9/1/11 → 9/30/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Africa's Great Rift Valley Data Archiving
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
10/1/07 → 9/30/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Homological Aspects of Koszul and Selfinjective Algebras
Zacharia, D. (PI)
1/29/09 → 8/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Understanding Male Gamete Competition Using Unique Molecular Tags: REU Supplement
Pitnick, S. S. (PI) & Belote, J. (CoI)
4/9/09 → 8/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Collaborative Research: The Lake Malawi Drilling Project - A Long, High-Resolution Record of Abrupt Climate Changes in the Southern Tropics of East Africa
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
9/15/06 → 8/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Collaborative Research: High-Resolution, Low-Latitude Paleoclimatology from Newly Acquired Sediment Drill Cores from Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
9/15/06 → 8/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Understanding Male Gamete Competition Using Unique Molecular Tags: REU Supplement
Pitnick, S. S. (PI)
8/1/08 → 8/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Exploring the Links Among Climate, Ecology, and Evolution in Paleogene Marine Faunas of the U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain: Collaborative Research
Ivany, L. C. (PI)
9/1/07 → 8/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Improved Materials for High-Performance Phase and Flux Qubits
Plourde, B. (PI)
6/1/09 → 8/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Seismic Reflection Survey of Lake Kivu, Rwanda, East Africa: Phase I - High-Resolution Reconnaissance Survey
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
6/1/10 → 8/30/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Fulbright FLTA 2011 Summer Orientation Program
Greenberg, G.
4/20/11 → 8/18/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Alcohol Use and Health in Young Women:_ARRA
Carey, M. & Carey, K.
8/20/09 → 7/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Multilevel Alcohol and HIV Prevention in South Africa
Carey, K. & Carey, M.
12/1/07 → 7/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Subpopulation Differences in Intervention Efficacy for College Drinkers
Carey, K.
7/1/10 → 7/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Zebrafish Jaw Morphogenesis: Understanding Development Beyond the Embryo
Albertson, R. C. (PI)
5/1/09 → 7/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Within-Session Mechanisms of Behavior Change in At-Risk Drinkers
Carey, K.
8/1/09 → 7/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Brief Alcohol Interventions by Counselor and Computer
Park, A. (CoI), Carey, K. (PI) & Carey, M. (CoI)
2/1/11 → 7/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Archiving Legacy Seismic Reflection Data from Lakes of Africa's Great Rift Valley
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
8/1/08 → 7/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
HIV Prevention for STD Clinic Patients
Vanable, P. A. (CoI), Carey, M. (PI) & Carey, K. (CoI)
9/1/09 → 7/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Investigating Bacteria-surface Interactions by Surface Engineering and Mathematical Modeling: Collaborative Research
Ren, D. (PI) & Luk, Y. Y. (CoI)
8/15/08 → 7/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Developmental Mechanisms for the Evolution of Bone Loss
Albertson, R. C. (PI)
5/1/08 → 7/15/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Expressive Writing: Complementary Treatment for Diabetes
Smyth, J.
9/29/04 → 6/30/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Novel Reagents, Polymerization Initiators and Superbases-Advances in the Organometallic Chemistry of the Heavy Alkaline Earth Metals (Subproject for Institution # 16941)
Ruhlandt, K. (PI)
3/4/08 → 6/30/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Geochemical Stratigraphic Correlation of Lake Albert Rift Exploration Wells, Uganda
Scholz, C. A. (PI)
8/1/07 → 6/30/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Novel Reagents, Polymerization Initiators and Superbases-Advances in the Organometallic Chemistry of the Heavy Alkaline Earth Metals
Ruhlandt, K. (PI)
7/1/05 → 6/30/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Along-Strike Variation of the Uplift and Exhumation of the Pyrenean Orogen: Constraining the Evolution of an Intraplate Collisional Orogen
Baldwin, S. L. (CoI)
7/1/06 → 6/30/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Single-molecule Stochastic Sensing of DNA and Proteins
Movileanu, L. (PI)
7/1/07 → 6/30/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Improving Communications for Older Hospital Patients with Assistive Listening Devices
Doherty, K. A. (PI)
10/10/09 → 6/1/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Driven Soft Matter: From Superconducting Vortices to Living Cells
Marchetti, M. C. (PI)
6/15/07 → 5/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Examining a Novel Post-Transcriptional Regulator of General miRNA Biogenesis
Maine, E. M. (PI)
9/1/10 → 5/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Graduate Research Fellowship Program -Subproject for Institution # 22873
Ivany, L. C. (PI)
6/1/10 → 5/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Confronting the Details of Cosmology's Dark Sector
Trodden, M. (PI)
6/1/08 → 5/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project
Dissertation Research: Evolution of Sperm Conjugation
Pitnick, S. S. (PI)
6/1/09 → 5/31/11
Project: Sponsored Project