Projects per year
- 600 - 650 out of 1,186 results
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NPF Partnership to Study the Effects of Vessel Traffic on Marine Mammal Vocalization in Glacier Bay
Parks, S. E. (PI)
4/1/15 → 6/30/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Environmental Toxicants, Race, and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Children-Psychology
Ewart, C.
2/28/13 → 5/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Pluripotential Theory and Applications to Complex Geometry and Number Theory
Coman, D. (PI)
6/1/13 → 5/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Ultrasound Biofeedback for Therapy-Resistant Speech Sound Disorders in Children
Preston, J. (PI)
9/1/14 → 5/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Problems on the Geometric Function Theory in Several Complex Variables and Complex Geometry
Yuan, Y. (PI)
9/1/13 → 5/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Increasing Cessation Motivation and Treatment Engagement among Smokers in Pain
Ditre, J. W. (PI)
6/1/15 → 5/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Development of Integrated System for Design Operation for UAVs - Subproject for Institution # SP-29403-2
Roy, U. (PI), Todorova, S. (CoI), Ballmer, S. (CoI), Blair, H. (CoI), Murthy, V. (CoI) & Roppo, M. (CoI)
10/24/16 → 5/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Environmental Monitoring and Geoscience Surveying Applications for SU sUAS - Subproject for Institution # SP-29403-2
Winders, J. L. (CoI), Scholz, C. A. (CoI), Moucha, R. (CoI), Read, J. M. (CoI), Karson, J. A. (CoI), Kelleher, C. (PI), Monmonier, M. (CoI), Lautz, L. (CoI) & Condon, L. (CoI)
10/24/16 → 5/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
International Conference on Representations of Algebras (ICRA XVII)
Zacharia, D. (PI), Kleiner, M. (CoI) & Leuschke, G. J. (CoI)
5/18/16 → 5/17/17
Project: Sponsored Project
EPA Greater Research Opportunities Undergraduate Fellowship
Lewis, K. E. (PI)
9/1/15 → 5/15/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Using Image Processing Techniques in the MicroBooNE CC-Inclusive CrossSection Measurement: Applying Image Processing and a Convolutional Neural Network for Data Reconstruction and Particle identification to calculate a CC-Inclusive Measurement for the MicroBooNE Collaboration
Soderberg, M. (PI)
4/1/16 → 3/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Spin Dependent Phenomena in Medium Energy Physics
Souder, P. A. (PI)
4/1/84 → 3/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Effects of Octanoic Acid for Treatment of Essential Voice Tremor
Lowell, S. (PI)
4/10/13 → 3/31/17
Project: Sponsored Project
An Automated Dielectrophoretic-Based Single Cell Separation Technique to Improve Laboratory Efficiency, Mixture Deconvolution and Combat Sample Inhibition
Marciano, M. (CoI) & Sweder, K. (PI)
1/1/16 → 3/30/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Biological Sampling Capability - Culture Box
Silver, R. B. (PI), Schlereth, F. (CoI), Sweder, K. (CoI) & Garza, A. (CoI)
3/31/16 → 3/16/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Biological Sampling Improvement Capability
Silver, R. B. (PI)
3/31/16 → 3/16/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Biological Sampling Capability - Preparation Kit
Silver, R. B. (PI), Schlereth, F. (CoI), Sweder, K. (CoI) & Garza, A. (CoI)
3/31/16 → 3/16/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Automorphism Groups, Embeddings, and Growth Rates of Infinite Graphs
Watkins, M.
7/1/11 → 2/28/17
Project: Sponsored Project
International Conference in Representations of Algebras (ICRA XVII)
Zacharia, D. (PI), Kleiner, M. (CoI) & Leuschke, G. J. (CoI)
3/1/16 → 2/28/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Hydrology and Geochemistry of Prairie Pothole Lake Sedimentary Pore Waters: Implications for the Attenuation of Pesticides: Collaborative Research
Siegel, D. (PI)
3/1/13 → 2/28/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Specification of V0v Interneurons in the Zebrafish Spinal Cord
Lewis, K. E. (PI)
6/1/13 → 2/28/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Scalable Readout of Superconducting Qubits with Novel Superconducting Amplifiers and Metamaterials
Plourde, B. (PI)
3/1/14 → 2/28/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Specification of V0v Interneurons in the Zebrafish Spinal Cord RET Supplement
Lewis, K. E. (PI)
6/1/13 → 2/28/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Development and Validation of Ghrelin O-acyltransferase Inhibitors for Treating Hyperphagia in Prader-Willi Syndrome
Hougland, J. L. (PI)
9/1/15 → 2/28/17
Project: Sponsored Project
Diversity in the Pollination Mutualism of Yuccas and Yucca Moths
Althoff, D. M. (PI)
1/4/16 → 1/3/17
Project: Sponsored Project
The Visual Cultures of Tea Consumption in Colonial and Modern India
Ray, R. (PI)
1/1/16 → 12/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Response to Intervention (RtI) Technical Assistance Center (TAC)
Eckert, T. L. (PI)
1/1/16 → 12/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Conference: Harmonic Analysis, Complex Analysis, Spectral Theory and All That
Iwaniec, T. (PI)
1/1/16 → 12/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Acoustic Behavior of North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis) Mother-Calf Pairs
Parks, S. E. (PI)
1/1/12 → 12/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
EAGER: Cosmogenic Nuclide Measurement of Surface Uplift Rate and Paleoelevation
Hoke, G. D. (PI)
1/15/15 → 12/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Intrinsic Factor Mediated Detection of the Cubilin Receptor
Doyle, R. P. (PI)
5/1/14 → 12/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Deciphering and Controlling the Signaling Processes in Bacterial Multicellular Systems and Bacteria-Host Interactions: EFRI-MIKS Subproject for Institution # 24889
Welch, R. (PI) & Raina, R. (CoI)
10/1/11 → 9/30/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE)
Soderberg, M. (PI)
6/21/16 → 9/30/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Deciphering and Controlling the Signaling Processes in Bacterial Multicellular Systems and Bacteria-Host Interactions: EFRI-MIKS
Ren, D. (PI), Sureshkumar, R. (CoI), Luk, Y. Y. (CoI), Raina, R. (CoI) & Bader, R. (PI)
10/1/11 → 9/30/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Efficacy of Whey Protein to Improve Cerebrovascular and Cognitive Function in Older Adults
Heffernan, K. S. (PI), Russo, N. (CoI) & Keslacy, S. (CoI)
10/1/12 → 9/30/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Deciphering and Controlling the Signaling Processes in Bacterial Multicellular Systems and Bacteria-Host Interactions: EFRI-MIKS Subproject for Institution # 24889
Luk, Y. Y. (CoI)
10/1/11 → 9/30/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Fulbright FLTA 2016 Summer Orientation Program
Greenberg, G.
4/6/16 → 9/23/16
Project: Sponsored Project
SCIRB Biology
Hewett, S. (PI), Lewis, K. E. (CoI) & Shreckengost, J. (CoI)
2/1/16 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Theoretical-Computational Network for Extracting Astrophysics and Fundamental Physics from Multi-Messenger Observations of Compact Objects: Collaborative Research
Brown, D. A. (PI)
9/1/13 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Searching for Physics Beyond the Standard Model: Strongly Coupled Theories at the Intensity and Energy Frontiers
Catterall, S. M. (PI)
9/1/12 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
North Atlantic Right Whale Tagging and Tracking on the Southeast US Calving Grounds - 2015-2016
Parks, S. E. (PI)
9/21/15 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Genetic Analysis of Sperm Length Evolution in Drosophila
Pitnick, S. S. (PI), Dorus, S. (PI) & Belote, J. (CoI)
9/1/13 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Development of a Radiation Tolerant Low-mass Silicon Tracker for the LHCb Upgrade: MRI
Skwarnicki, T. (CoI), Artuso, M. (CoI), Blusk, S. R. (CoI) & Stone, S. (PI)
9/1/13 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for DNA Mixture Interpretation - Subproject for Inst. #27632 FNNSI
Marciano, M. (CoI) & Sweder, K. (PI)
1/1/15 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Iodine in Foraminifera as a Proxy for Ocean Deoxygenation During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Collaborative Research
Lu, Z. (PI)
9/1/12 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project
Spinal Cord Injury Research Institutional Support 5
Hewett, S. (PI), Lewis, K. E. (CoI), Hasenwinkel, J. M. (CoI) & Shreckengost, J. (CoI)
2/1/16 → 8/31/16
Project: Sponsored Project